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(Hey guys. Your bellybutton is a breeding ground for 67 types of bacteria)(Just a fun fact)

Sirius jolted awake, already automatically shushing the Little who had been sleeping on him. "Shh shh. Daddy has you."

Remus had barely kept Moony in check. "Harry, cub. Shh. It's okay. Daddy and Moomy are here."

Harry just sobbed, clinging to Sirius. He pressed his face into his Caregiver's chest and then shrieked when he was handed to Remus. The nightmare had been absolutely awful and his brain had incorporated the sound of Lily's screams into it also.

"C'mere, Cub." Remus had his shirt off and brought Harry to one side of his chest. He hummed softly, watching his Little latch on. He was very relieved when Harry stopped sobbing to nurse instead. His poor nerves were shot as it was.

"This is our weekend." Sirius leaned against Remus' shoulder and held Harry's hand. He didn't mind though, glad to be able to take care of his godson. The Little meant the world to Sirius and Remus.

"Poor Cub." Remus sighed softly. "I want to know why he was left alone long enough to get lost though..."

"Me too..." Sirius was very angry at that. Harry shouldn't have been alone. They had told Hermione and Fred to make sure Harry was watched.

"We'll deal with it on Monday." Remus soothed, knowing Sirius did have the famous Black temper. It sent a thrill through him at seeing the protective fury for their Cub.

"Poor Pup." Sirius watched Harry nursing from Remus. "He doesn't deserve to be scared like that. He should only be happy. We failed in keeping him happy."

"Shush. Don't talk like that. We thought he would be safe with his friends." Remus soothed Sirius. He wasn't happy at the moment.

The Little's eyes were locked with Remus' forest green ones, one hand gripping his Daddy's hand. Harry felt much safer with them than he did at Hogwarts. He didn't want to leave them ever again.

"We're here, Harry." Sirius soothed, looking at their Little. "We won't let go, Sweetheart."

Harry lost any remaining tension and melted against his Moomy. He closed his eyes now, content. The sweet milk, warm skin and comforting scent filled him with a sense of safety and more importantly Home.

Remus smiled down at the Little, humming softly and leaning into Sirius. "Wish you could feel what I feel when he nurses. S'like there's nothing but me and him, a single point in time and like nothing bad is happening outside."

"I'm glad it's you who has that. You need it, sweetheart." Sirius' voice dripped with love for his new family. He wasn't usually so overly sentimental but he was happier than he had been for 13 years. He had a sense of purpose now.

"I love you, Sirius." Remus kissed his mate gently. He was careful not to jostle Harry who was sleeping again in his arms.

"Love you too, Remus." Sirius smiled softly. "Always have, always will. Been yours since the day we met."

Remus blushed faintly, remembering his awful stuttering and fidgeting when he had met Sirius. He had had to fight Moony for control to make sure they didn't expose themselves in more ways than one.

"Although I thought it was unbearably cute when you would blush and stutter. Only ever did that for me." Sirius hummed softly. "Puberty was fun though." He grinned wickedly.

"Nooooo it wasn't. I jumped you on more than one occasion." Remus whined softly. He was red enough to give a Weasley's hair color a run for its money.

"I didn't mind. Liked that you wanted me that much." Sirius is so very stubborn. "Loved taking care of you in any way you needed."

"This is definitely how I knew you were a caregiver even before the classifications." Remus snickered. "Mother henned us all to death."

"Some more than others." Sirius joked morbidly. He was so happy that Peter had gotten what he deserved.

"That was so badly." Remus groaned softly, making sure Harry was still asleep. He attempted to unlatch Harry from his chest but the Little squirmed and whined before starting to suckle again. The werewolf stroked Harry's hair gently, humming softly to soothe him back into a deep sleep.

"Careful, Rem. Poor pup needs his sleep." Sirius really was a motherhen. He loved taking care of His important people. It made him feel so good inside, like he was the opposite of his biological relatives. They may share blood but they were not his family. Remus and Harry were his family. It had made him happy to help and he knew Lily had appreciated having him around to help her.

Sirius had helped Lily through out her pregnancy and after Harry had been born. It had made things easier on the new parents who hadn't had any family members to assist. Both the Potter parents and the Evans parents had been dead at that point. And Petunia Dursley would have rather cut her own arm off than help a "freak".

So Sirius had stayed to help, even putting his Auror training off indefinitely. He had wanted to make sure his family was okay. After all, James was his brother in all but blood and Lily had been his sister too. Remus hadn't minded that he had wanted to help James and Lily, had even encouraged it. It had kept his mind off a dark path.

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