The Beatles

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(Cussing AND talks of self hatred)

"Well if it isn't the Mudblood. Where's your pet Weasel?" Pansy's nasally voice came from an alcove in the hall and the Pug faced Slytherin stepped out. "Did the blood traitors finally realize how trashy and disgusting you are? How filthy your nasty blood is?"

Hermione continued walking, internally seething. She would not give the reaction that Pansy wanted though. It was something she had learned while in Muggle school. Bullies want a reaction and it would make them angry and bored when they don't get a reaction.

"Hey! I was talking to you, you mudblood bitch!" Pansy cast a leg locker curse towards the Muggleborn witch. "You listen when your betters are talking!"

"I see no one here that is better than me. I see a blood supremacist." Hermione's voice was cold as she performed the counter curse on herself. It was easy to perform the counter curse. "I have to go meet up with my boyfriend and my friends. Two things you don't have. Friends or a lover."

"How dare you!" Pansy sent a nasty cutting curse towards Hermione that was deflected by Luna who had come to find Hermione. "Stay out of this, Looney!"

"Don't talk to Luna like that, you pugnosed brat!" Hermione wasn't even sorry as she sent a boil hex and took Luna's arm. She had only gotten mad because Luna had been attacked. "Come on, Luna. Let's go find the others."

Luna's airy expression never left her face as she walked with Hermione. The two had been getting along better since Luna had been over at the Weasleys a bit for the summer when her father had gone somewhere he couldn't take her. Hermione was Luna's only female friend since Ginny died. The blonde had also showed Hermione photos that had been taken of some of her creatures which helped Hermione realize there were more creatures that existed.

"What's happened, Hermione?" Fred knew instantly something was wrong just by looking at his girlfriend's tight expression. He was ready to go fight for her.

"Just an encounter with Pugface Parkinson." Hermione was tense, hair standing out like she had stuck her finger in an electrical socket from her magic crackling over her entire being.

"What did she say?" Fred's eyes narrowed, losing his usually cheerful look. The twins had been considered for Slytherin but had talked the Hat around to Gryffindor.

"She called Hermione a mudblood." Luna spoke, sitting next to Neville. Her own magic was unsettled, her usual tranquility ruffled.

"She what!" Fred stood up abruptly, nearly tipping the bench over. He was instantly in a rage.

"Fred, no!" George practically lunged over the table to grab his twin who looked like he would murder someone. "Calm down! Hermione needs to settle her magic and you need to help her!" He did not want to see what Snape would do if one of his precious snakelings was beaten to a bloody pulp.

"Mister Weasleys, is there a problem?" Professor McGonagall approached, automatically pressing her own magic outwards to soothe her cubs magic. She was in loca parentis (in the place of a parent) of her students and it was up to her to assist with any uncontrolled magic for her lions.

"Pansy Parkinson called Mione a mudblood." Neville answered when no one else spoke. His hands were clenched around the goblet he had been drinking out of.

"I see." Minerva could understand the rage on Fred's face and Hermione's anger. "Mister Weasleys and Miss Granger, go to your quarters to finish lunch and calm yourselves. I'll be along shortly to get the story." She marched over to the staff table for a bit.

Hermione and their group went to their apartments, a proverbial feast set out on the coffee table for them to finish eating.

George set up some things he and Fred test spells on and watched as Hermione blew them up with overpowered spells. He was impressed, knowing Hermione was very powerful.

"Miss Granger, please explain what happened." Professor McGonagall had come in. She had knew they would need a chance to calm down.

"I was walking to lunch and Parkinson called me a mudblood and asked me if the bloodtraitors had realized how filthy my blood was." Hermione was gripping Fred's hand tightly, chest heaving. "She got mad when I didn't answer and cast the leg locker curse. She said I should listen when my betters were talking to me... I told her I didn't see anyone better than me, that I saw a blood supremacist.... And that I had to get to my boyfriend and friends and that Pansy had neither of those."

"Pansy tried to attack Hermione but I stepped in. Hermione defended me when Pansy called me Looney." Luna added, eyes huge and innocent.

"I see... Please finish lunch and come to my office... Professor Snape, Miss Parkinson, myself and you three will be having a discussion." Professor McGonagall was so angry and she left. Severus really let his Snakes run too wild and she was not going to allow it any longer.

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