The Romantics

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Severus floo'ed back to Malfoy Manor, grumbling to himself. Dumbledore was insufferable and completely undermining his authority by removing those fairly given detentions. He went to Lucius' office and went in, staring at his submissive as the blond wrote a letter.

"Severus?" Lucius blinked, looking concerned. He wasn't expecting Severus home until the weekend. That was how it went during the school year. "Has something happened? Is Draco okay?"

"Draco is fine." Severus grunted out, horribly annoyed at the moment. His magic was sparking a bit and his usually impassive face was filled with the darkest scowl possible. It was worse than the one he had when he had laid eyes on Harry James Potter for the first time.

Lucius looked at his letter for a moment, put his quill away and capped his ink. He got down on his knees and shuffled over to kneel in front of Severus. The Submissive knew this would help the Dominant. He waited for Severus' next move.

Severus leaned down and started an absolutely filthy kiss with Lucius, dominating his submissive with just his mouth. He tangled one hand into the blond's silky hair and yanked his head back to expose his neck. He marked up the pale skin, reasserting his ownership of the blond.

~Two hours later~

Lucius had enjoyed every minute of Severus' frustrations being released. He loved helping the dark haired dominant relax in any way possible. The sub was currently curled against Severus' side, head over his heart. "What happened?"

"Potter got lost in the dungeons so I had to go locate him. I gave out several fair detentions to nosy busybody brats as I went to the Infirmary. Then Potter refused to let go and made such unnatural noises." Severus grumbled in aggravation. "Then the old man called Lupin and Black. Lupin was practically feral! And Black hugged me! Hugged me, Lucius! It was horrible. I'll have nightmares." He was so overdramatic sometimes. But only around Lucius.

"The very nerve." Lucius was actually pouting and nuzzled his lover. He kissed Severus and clung tighter. He didn't like other people touching Severus. The potions master was HIS. "How dare that filthy blood traitor touch you."

"Then the barmy bastard had the nerve to remove my fairly given detentions! He's undermining my authority. And Potter's blasted friends had the nerve to accost me in the hall." Severus growled. His magic sought out Lucius', shivering at the familiar comforting chill that matched his own. Lily's magic had felt like fire on the rare occasions they had let their magic meet.

"How awful." Lucius welcomed Severus into every part of his being. "I'm sorry, love. You'll have to give them detentions for other things. How is Draco?"

"A sassy little brat. But Blaise and Theo have him well in hand already." Severus rumbled quietly. "Blaise is doing very much the same as I would, maybe a bit more gently but still. Theo is closer to you in his dealing with Draco's naughtiness."

"Well at least it's consistent with what we were doing." Lucius smiled, glad his baby was being taken care of. He looked so pleased at hearing of his child.

"Yes, yes it is. I do miss having Draco in my classes though." Severus sighed. "It's not the same." His son had a way with potions that made Severus' shriveled up heart get warm.

"You can still do potions with him when he's big, Love." Lucius hummed, kissing the dour man. He yawned after, tired out. He was warm and safe, submissive side having been satisfied and his body was ready for a long nap. He had been sexed up beyond belief.

"Sleep, Luc. I'll still be here when you wake." Severus soothed, shifting Lucius to lay on his chest. It was their favorite sleeping position. He watched his blond fall asleep and then let himself doze off for a bit.

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