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Fred shifted Harry in his arms, smiling at the Little who still looked confused. He knew the exact moment that Harry realized Sirius and Remus had left, the Little's face falling and tears filled the emerald green eyes of the Little.

"Harry, love. Let's go see Ron, Georgie and Luna." Hermione tried to distract him but Harry just sobbed quietly. Hermione felt sad that she couldn't help Harry calm down.

"Here." Neville took Harry who had been struggling against Fred. He led the way towards where he had last seen Luna and climbed on the train. He found Luna and the others who had spread out to keep anyone else out.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Ron was immediately worried about his best friend, accepting the upset Little from Neville. He made sure that no prefects were around and made Harry's bag bigger. He grabbed the knitted blanket and wrapped Harry into it.

"Gone!" Harry cried, looking at Ron with wet green eyes. He looked so distraught and it broke everyone's hearts to hear his distress. He hated being separated from his Caregivers.

"You'll see them during the weekend, Harry." Hermione explained, stroking Harry's messy hair. "It won't feel very long."

"Wan' them." Harry insisted, curling up to Ron who seemed the most sympathetic to him. He clutched Ron's sweater in his hands. The Ginger was his favorite person out of his friends even if the boy was very temperamental and kind of stupid at times with social cues.

"We can do a floo call after dinner tonight." George spoke up reassuringly. "Minnie McGee will let you use her floo, Harry. She adores you."

"Minnie?" Harry's nose wrinkled curiously. He couldn't imagine someone calling Minerva "Minnie".

"Professor McGonagall." Hermione corrected primly. She didn't approve of the twins calling Professors by their first names.

"The professor never has Wrackspurts around her. She is remarkably clearheaded." Luna's airy voice filled the compartment for once.

"What that?" Harry looked at Luna curiously who pulled out a big album of various drawings of creatures that she and her father had found.

"Wrackspurts make people's heads fuzzy." Luna explained, opening the album to the correct page and showing the drawing. The rest of the train ride was spent happily with conversation and feeding Harry food when it was time.

"Ready?" Fred whispered, shifting Harry in his arms. The Little was sleeping, clutching Fred's robes tightly and sucked on a pacifier. George cleared the way and they trooped out to one of the special carriages for Littles and their caregivers. Fred climbed in with Luna, George and Neville.

He blinked as Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy also got in. He didn't say anything though, focusing on keeping Harry asleep.

"Baise... He sleepin?" Draco whispered in his caregiver's ear, looking at Harry. He was close to his Little-Space at the moment.

"Yes, Dragon. He's sleeping. He's very small which means he needs to sleep more." Blaise petted Draco's hair gently.

"I'm a big boy." Draco said it a bit louder. He smirked with a pleased look at being a 'big boy'.

"Yes. But you need to be quiet." Theo shushed his Little. He took Draco into his lap and pressed a kiss to his temple. He knew Draco would be out within minutes and he was right. The little blond was sound asleep after two minutes of the carriage moving.

"He seems happier." Luna spoke, looking at Draco. "Daddy and his father are brothers."

"I did not know that." Neville stared at Luna. It wasn't a well known fact really. No one associated Eccentric Xenophilius Lovegood with Prim Lucius Malfoy.

"Take care of my cousin well. Or you may find a nest of Nargles in your proximity." Luna did what was as close to a threat as possible for her.

"We will." Theo spoke, Blaise staring impassively at Luna before he nodded. The carriage lapsed into silence, conscious of the tenuous truce for the sake of the two sleeping Littles.

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