The Monkees

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Severus Snape had an odd feeling of impending doom, sitting in his office during lunch and grading. His instincts were proven correct when an irate Minerva Mcgonagall stormed in.

"May I help you?" He was just going to pretend it hadn't thrown him off a bit.

"Yes. You may. You need to get Miss Parkinson and meet me in my office. There was an altercation earlier with some of my students and it needs both of us to handle." Minerva's magic was tensed for battle out of sheer protective instincts. No one would hurt her Gryffindors and get away with it.

"Oh?" Severus drew out the word, looking annoyed. "Your precious lions probably started it."

"I think not." Minerva proceeded to inform him in excruciating detail exactly what had happened. She had stopped and spoken to some of the paintings that had seen it. Her chest heaved with suppressed anger. She couldn't believe what she had heard.

"Fine." Snape sighed like the overdramatic dungeon bat he was. He went to the infirmary and got Pansy who had been cured of her boils by Madam Pomfrey. He took her to McGonagall's office, sighing internally.

"Come in." Professor McGonagall's voice was firm. Her door opened on its own and revealed the teacher plus Professor Flitwick, Hermione and Luna. "Professor Snape. Miss Parkinson."

Pansy didn't respond, just kept silent with a sullen look on her face. She was not willing to talk to ANY Gryffindor trash. That included Professor McGonagall. The Scottish woman wasn't fit to lick the mud off her boots.

"Miss Granger and Miss Lovegood have informed me of what happened and the paintings near where the altercation took place have confirmed." Professor McGonagall spoke after a minute. "Miss Parkinson, what on earth possessed you to speak such vile words and attempt to use a Dark spell on another student?"

"She needs to learn her place." Pansy spit out, looking sullen. "Mudbloods have no place in our world. They are scum. Just as low as filthy muggles."

"Miss Parkinson!" Professor McGonagall was shocked at the blatantly disturbing response. It was horrific to hear such vile words coming from a student.

"Miss Granger, Miss Lovegood. Please go to your next class." Professor Flitwick had been silent up until this point. He waited until the other two students were gone before addressing everyone else. "Miss Parkinson, what is your classification?"

"I don't have to tell you that." Pansy hadn't been classified because her parents didn't want it. Her parents had given her potions to prevent ANY classification from manifesting.

"Miss Parkinson." Snape drawled after a silent conversation with the other teachers. "Return to the dormitories and I will let you know your punishment."

Pansy left, nose in the air. She felt that Professor Snape would simply tell her off and that would be it. That was how it usually went.

"Pansy Parkinson was never classified." Severus spoke once Minerva's privacy spells snapped into place after her door was shut. "Lord Parkinson falsified records and made it appear as though his daughter was a neutral. She shows the signs of Suppression Potions. But I wouldn't ever make those. It's wrong to deny your base biology."

"As the deputy headmistress, I could notify the Ministry that I think there's been a misclassification. I'm well within my rights to do so. You would have to be in the room when the retest was administered so there could be no tampering." Minerva looked at Filius after with an eyebrow raised. She wanted to know his opinion.

"That's a good idea." Flitwick agreed. "Severus, one of your snakes needs you. You could save Miss Parkinson from an early death or insanity."

"They say that's what turned Bellatrix Black insane." Minerva squinted slightly. "Because I remember her when she first came to school. There was no sign of madness and she was actually a lovely girl."

"Floo the Ministry. Set it up as early as possible." Severus sighed dramatically yet again. He had to prepare himself for the Floo call that would definitely come from Lord Parkinson.

Minerva made the Floo Call and talked to one of the witches in the Classification Department. She listed off the signs that she had seen and then invited the classification healer and the required Auror to come to the school. She ended the call and turned to the other two. "They'll be along shortly. They go immediately on calls like this because it's so dangerous to be misclassified."

"I'll escort them." Flitwick nodded and scurried off to where they would be flooing in. He hated the thought of a student being forced to hide their classification. Especially under the use of illegal potions.

"I'll prepare Miss Parkinson." Severus left and went to the dormitories. He spoke to Pansy to inform her that she would be coming with him somewhere. If it had been in a normal school, it would have seemed creepy. He took her to the room retests were always done in and waited.

"Thank you for coming, Auror Tonks and Healer Smyth." Flitwick greeted the two and escorted them to just outside the retest room.

"The misclassified is in there?" The classification healer had hair the color of spun gold and eyes that matched it.

"Yes. This is where retests are always done." Minerva had come in, holding a file that the Healer had requested.

"Hello, Professor." Tonks grinned brightly. Minerva had been one of her absolute favorite teachers ever.

"Hello, Auror Tonks." Minerva could barely believe this was the same Nymphadora Tonks who had regularly fallen down the stairs and on flat, stable surfaces. "Miss Parkinson's head of house is with her per the rules."

"Thank you." Healer Smyth went in after accepting the file and smiled. "Hello, Miss Parkinson. I'm Healer Thomas Smyth. I'll be administering your retest today."

"What retest? No one said anything about that." Pansy scowled immediately. She was instantly defensive and ready to escape.

"We believe you've been misclassified. So we're just going to retest to make sure you're healthy." Healer Smyth spoke soothingly, pulling the potion out along with the special parchment.

"Stop talking to me like I'm a stupid sub or little." Pansy was agitated. "I'm a neutral."

"We're just going to see." Healer Smyth soothed again. He was always sad when there was an obvious misclassification or even a nonclassification.

"Take the potion, Miss Parkinson." Snape added silkily. He was subtly oozing Dominance to force the student to obey.

Pansy scowled even more and took the potion, hissing after when she pricked her finger and dripped blood onto the parchment. She scowled, waiting as first her grandparents classifications showed up and then her parents. Her breath caught in her chest as the words next to her name appeared. "I can't be a Little! They're stupid and not right in the head!"

"But you are. We'll get you set up with a nice caregiver." Healer Smyth smiled softly, his white teeth brilliant against his tan skin.

"No! I'm a neutral! You're all lying!" Pansy ran out, sprinting through the door.

"Let her go." Healer Smyth cautioned. "She needs to calm down and she'll lash out even more if you crowd her."

"We'll have to figure this out." Minerva sighed and took everyone to her office to discuss the issue at the moment.

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