Train station

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"Look at those curls, Remmy." Sirius had given Harry a bath and the Little's hair had dried in loose curls. "They're so cute."

"Remind me why I'm the mother?" Remus spoke dryly, looking at Sirius and then at Harry who just stared at them with big eyes. He sounded unbearably fond though. It gave him great joy at hearing Sirius marvel at simple things.

"Because you're a mother hen." Sirius quipped, grinning broadly as he held Harry. "Isn't that right, Bambi? Moomy is the mother hen."

"Moomy." Harry reached for Remus, feeling very squished by Sirius' tight hold. "Help, Moomy!"

"C'mere." Remus stole the Little, tucking him close against his chest but not holding too tightly. "I'll save you from Daddy. Daddy forgets his own strength sometimes."

Harry giggled as Sirius pouted, waving at the older male before cuddling into the werewolf's chest. He had never felt so safe or so happy before. He tilted his head up a bit.

"Moomy." Harry squirmed and kissed the werewolf's cheek when Remus dipped his head down towards the boy. "Love Moomy and Daddy!"

"Love you too, Bambi." Sirius grinned, ruffling the boy's curls. It made him laugh to see the curls settle back into absolute disarray.

"I love you very much." Remus smacked a gentle kiss to Harry's cheek with an exaggerated kissing noise that sent the Little into peals of laughter.

~Later that day~

"Harry goes back to Hogwarts in a few days." Remus looked sad, resting his elbows on his knees. He didn't want the boy to be away from them.

"I know, Moony. I'm gonna miss him." Sirius also looked down. He hated thinking about Harry leaving to go to school.

"Fred and George have agreed to look after him and Ron and Hermione will too." Remus ran a scarred hand through his own hair. "And he comes to us on the weekends. Minerva has already agreed to it."

"Oh good. Hey, you owe me ten galleons for Fred and Hermione dating." Sirius smirked brightly. He had known it from the moment he had seen them together.

"I already paid you in another way. You're getting very greedy, Love." Remus' lips curled up in a smirk also.

"But Rem, you paid me so good. I can't help but want more." Sirius crawled into Remus' lap and kissed his boyfriend. He was ever so glad that Harry was napping upstairs and that they had some time to themselves.

"Behave. The baby is sleeping, Sirius." Remus snorted, pulling back and looking fondly at the Lord Black in his lap. He was happy to see the light back in his lovers eyes and he wanted to keep it there.


"Don't wanna go." Harry sulked, clutching at Remus' robes as his Little side bled through a bit. He wanted the older men to teach him.

"You need to go. You'll see us every weekend, okay?" Remus promised, knowing Sirius was very close to keeping Harry home with them.

"But I want to stay with you." Harry had terrible abandonment issues. He didn't want to go anywhere that the older men were not. "I'll be good. I promise. Please."

"I know, Harry. But you get to see your friends. And you can Floo us any time." Remus reminded him, swaying slightly to calm Harry. It was rare that Harry let them hold him when he was Big. It broke his heart to hear Harry say that. "You're always good, Sweetheart. I promise."

"I'm gonna miss you." Harry admitted, burying his face in Remus' neck and clinging tightly. He didn't seem like he would let go.

"I know, Sweetheart. You know I'd keep you with us in a heartbeat if we could, Cub." Remus soothed, stroking Harry's hair and continuing to sway. They would be leaving to the train station soon.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry questioned, peering around for his other caregiver and pouting when his Padfoot hadn't appeared.

"Packing up some of your Little stuff for Fred and Hermione to use if you drop." Remus explained, perching on the couch. "He wants to make sure everything is perfect."

"Not gonna drop while at school... Gonna wait til I come home for the weekends." Harry spoke stubbornly, pouting. He didn't want to drop without Sirius or Remus.

"Love, you still need to wear pull-ups to sleep and during the day. Your body doesn't have the best control right now." Remus spoke gently and Harry just stared at him.

"No! I won't!" Harry sobbed, jumping off of Remus' lap and running away. He was unhappy with even thinking about dropping.

"Woah, hey. What's going on, Bambi?" Sirius caught Harry as Harry bounced off his leg. He scooped the Little up, rubbing his back firmly as Harry dropped fully into his Little-Space.

"Daddy." Harry cried, clinging to Sirius' neck as the black haired man walked back into the room Harry had just exited.

"Daddy's right here." Sirius kissed Harry's forehead. "What happened, Rem?"

"P-u-l-l-u-p-s." Remus spelled out and Sirius nodded to show he understood. The werewolf carefully changed Harry's underwear into a discrete pull up in case of an accident. "Got everything?"

"Yep. Let's get heading out." Sirius wrapped Harry into a traveling blanket to keep the Floo dust from getting in his face. He stepped through to Platform 9 3/4, immediately spotting Neville Longbottom. "Harry, your friend Neville is here."

"Nebil?" Harry sniffled, lifting his head to look and saw the blond boy coming towards them. He liked Neville a lot.

"Hi there, Harry." Neville greeted, smiling at him. "How was your summer?"

"Good, Nebil. Went to the Cup with my Wheezies!" Harry grinned now as Sirius walked further in the platform with Remus following and Neville close by.

"Speaking of. Look who's here! Hermione and Fred are gonna play with you on the train." Sirius smiled as Remus gave Hermione all of Harry's things.

"Freddy! Mione!" Harry gasped, looking delighted to see them. "Where Ron? An' Georgie?"

"They're getting us a compartment, Harry." Hermione told the Little with a soft smile on her face.

"Luna and I will be sitting with you guys too." Neville grinned. "She got us one of the biggest compartments."

"Yay! Who Luna?" Harry blinked in confusion after. He didn't really know Luna.

"A very nice girl. You'll like her." Neville promised with an easy going smile. He was fond of the blonde girl. She wasn't afraid to get dirty and was very friendly to the plants in the Greenhouses. All she asked was that he respect her Creatures.

"Harry, Moomy and I have to go now. It's time to get on the train." Sirius got Harry's attention before kissing his cheeks and passing him to Remus for the same treatment.

"We'll see you this weekend. Make sure to say hi to Minnie and everyone else for us." Remus smiled at Harry and pressed kisses to every inch of his face before giving him to Fred. He and Sirius disApparated before the tears could start, knowing they wouldn't be able to leave him with them if they saw him cry.

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