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(I feel really tired with this story. I get an idea and write a lot and then crash and burn.)

Minerva sipped her tea, mentally preparing herself for what she was going to say and do. She couldn't just stand by any longer. The Deputy Headmistress gathered her Gryffindor bravery and stood up, meeting up with Filius and Pomona. They had agreed to go together as the Heads of their houses.

"Are we ready?" Minerva had a stack of parchments in her hands. She would not let their concerns be dismissed this time. It was high time something more was done about the many issues in the school.

"I do have everything." Filius had contacted his cousins at Gringotts about the suspicious lack of funds. They were doing an audit of all of Dumbledore's vaults to see where the money went.

Pomona also voiced her agreement to being prepared. Some of her more sentient plants had rather violent reactions when Dumbledore came to the greenhouses. If her plants didn't trust someone, she didn't either.

The trio set out to the Headmaster's office. They would not be deterred from their mission. The kids under their care needed their protection. All had become teachers because they loved to teach young minds, had a passionate care for children and for cultivating students into bright citizens of the future.

Minerva said the password and led the way up the spiral staircase. Her back was ramrod straight and her lips pursed so tightly that her face looked slightly distorted. She stopped in front of the desk that dominated the office and waited as her two companions stopped on either side of her. They were presenting a united front.

"Ah, Minerva. Filius and Pomona. What can I do for you three today?" Dumbledore beamed, eyes twinkling. He wasn't worried about anything currently. It was unfortunate that Severus had been arrested but he was confident that he would be able to get the Dominant free.

"We believe that you have not been listening to our concerns regarding the safety of the students and staff." Pomona spoke first. Her usually cheerful face was solemn but determined. "We have brought our concerns multiple times but all of us have been brushed off."

"You haven't listened to our requests for more staff to assist with our classes. Our Fourth year class is the smallest yet but the ones below them get bigger and bigger each year. There just isn't enough time in the day to be able to do the classes the way we have. Even with the paired classes. We can't spend enough time individually with each student to ensure everyone's needs are met. We are failing our students educationally and in helping them feel comfortable here. Especially the first years. And yes, we have the prefects but they have their classes and their exams. Many fifth year Prefects feel overwhelmed with OWLs, homework and trying to patrol the corridors and assist their housemates. Our current system just is not working. Even with the sixth and seventh year prefects helping, many are struggling. The seventh year have their NEWTs and the sixth year have their NEWT prep classes." Filius piped up as planned. "Simply put, we need more help and staff."

"Now, Filius. Everything is running just fine. It's been this way for years." Dumbledore waved his hand. "Besides, we just do not have the budget for more additions."

"So ask the board! We need help." Filius was infuriated. The students were suffering academically and Dumbledore wanted to refuse to help them. He knew several members of the Board would jump at the chance to assist.

"And the safety of the castle has been lacking. You-Know-Who was here two years in a row and dementors the next year. Now this tournament! What's next? A toad wearing pink masquerading as a teacher?!" Minerva's magic was making tiny tendrils of her hair wave free from her tight bun. "You haven't redone the wards in years, Albus Dumbledore. They're supposed to keep dark creatures out. Or did I imagine the basilisk and the dementors? Mister Potter has almost died every year! Yet you want to send him back to those horrible muggles. You clearly have lost your higher judgement, Albus. Other students have almost died. And you refused to notify parents that students were being petrified. That's not acceptable."

"Minerva, everything I have done is for the greater good. The school cannot run with outside influences." Albus ignored everything Minerva had said. She obviously did not know anything about truly running a school. He started looking at paperwork on his desk, silently attempting to end the meeting.

Minerva crossed to the fire place, snatched some Floo powder and stuck her head in. "HEAD OF DMLE'S OFFICE!" She had the head of the department Amelia Bones come through with the head of the department of education.

"Now, Minerva. Really?" Dumbledore put on his false disappointed Grandfather air. He was displeased at the insubordination.

"Yes. This has gone on far too long." Minerva wouldn't give in and filled Amelia and Griselda Marchbanks in.

"Albus Dumbledore, by law you are required to renew the wards and also review curriculum every year. You are also to attend meetings with myself and my team." Griselda spoke in a firm voice which contradicted her appearance of a very old woman who looked like wind would knock her over. "You instead fill in rubbish on the paperwork and send Minerva to the meetings. This is unacceptable. Hogwarts education is in the bottom half of the European schools! We offer very little in way of classes outside our core classes. It cannot go on this way. Our schooling means very little in other countries and other places don't often accept our examination results."

"Griselda, the school has a way that works and we are still the number one school in Britain." Albus attempted to soothe the woman. The woman had been middle aged when he was first starting as a teacher.

Amelia was taking notes, brow furrowed at the information she's heard. The auror had secretly hated attending Hogwarts because she felt restricted in her class choices. But even back when she had attended, they had had more classes but not many.

"We have not had another school here in many years and you know it." Filius interjected. "Hard to lose our top spot in a competition of one."

"Please, my friends. We are doing just fine. Hogwarts is strong." Albus was internally gnashing his teeth at the sheer amount of insubordination from his colleagues and the two ministry members. He had plans that were laid very carefully and he couldn't have interference with them.

"No, Albus. Hogwarts is the weakest she has ever been. The wards are low and weak. Even the castle has a different air about it than when I attended." Griselda spoke with a no nonsense tone. "You and I know the Headmaster's efficiency affects the castle herself. You have lost your touch."

"Are you implying what I think you are?" Albus' eyes widened. "Griselda, we have worked together for decades. I love my position of headmaster. The students are a joy."

"Not that you interact with them except at feasts or if we bring them here for discipline." Minerva muttered aggressively. She knew that everyone had heard her loud and clear.

"I am a very busy man." Albus protested vehemently. "I have many things to do every day."

"Busy enough to neglect your main job?" Minerva retorted, eyes flashing. "You are never here when we need you."

"I will send you a list of items to fix within the next month and a half. And I will be informing the board." Griselda left through the Floo, horrified at what she had learned about the once great Albus Dumbledore.

Amelia went with the teachers to Minerva's office. They would be talking late into the night behind a warded door and the entire room locked tighter than Fort Knox. There would be no second chances if Albus got wind of how much they were telling Amelia about the happenings in the school. Minerva had a horrible feeling that Albus regularly used memory charms on the staff and spells to keep them compliant. She hated feeling vulnerable and she was determined to see this through to the end. Her life and the students and staffs lives may depend on it.

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