Garth Brooks.

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(We're going to spend some time with an OC couple for a bit in the middle)

Severus Snape was sitting on the lumpy mattress in his cell, staring impassively at the guard taunting him. His face was carefully blank, all his thoughts locked away behind an impenetrable wall in his mind. It was how he kept the Dementors from affecting him too badly.

"Ain't anyone saving you this time, Snape. Your pal Dumbledore is dead and good riddance." The guard spit on the ground. "That old bastard was fucked up. No wonder he took a liking to you."

The only sign Severus showed of hearing what the guard said was a slight widening of his eyes. He had been counting on Dumbledore to aid in getting him set free. The potions master retreated into his mindscape to process this new knowledge and to store it in the proper place.

The guard was one of the aurors that had worked with James. He had considered them friends and had been heartbroken the Potters died. Caesar Fawcett would never let go of the deep hatred he had for Severus Snape and all the other Death Eaters. He made his way back to the guard station, ready to go home. His shift was over and he wouldn't have to stay on the Island for at least another month.

Guards were Two weeks on and a month off of Azkaban duty. It was set that way to prevent any unpleasant effect. The rule was put into place in the 50s after a guard went insane and slaughtered five prisoners and his partner before jumping off the highest point of the prison. It took at least two weeks to recover a bit and another two weeks of observation to be declared ready.

Caesar made his way onto the boat that would take him to the Apparation Point, feeling a bone deep exhaustion. His pale grey eyes had dark shadows underneath and he had a beard starting that had come about from being too tired to shave. He hoped his special one stocked up their chocolate stash like he had asked them to do.

The boat moved through the water, waves slapping against the sides but never soaking the passengers. Caesar and three others were done with their shift there. When they arrived at the Apparation Point, they were scanned by a Medi-Witch and given chocolate before being allowed to Apparate except for Jones who was given a portkey due to suffering more from exposure to Dementors.

"I'm home, Auden!" Caesar called to his Special One. He dropped his keys into the little key holder on the little table next to the front door. He walked through the house and deposited all the clothing he was wearing into the washer and dryer that Auden had insisted on them getting. Caesar had been a clueless Pureblood when he had met the Halfblood Auden Copeland.

"I'm in the living room." Auden called back, their voice muffled through the walls. They often times liked to just relax in front of the fireplace.

Caesar hurried to the living room once he had changed into warm and comfortable clothing. "Auden." He felt a smile cover his face and he leaned down to press his face into Auden's white hair.

"Missed me?" Auden teased, pulling Caesar close. Their hands stroked over Caesar's back and hair though, soothing the auror who was trembling. Auden kissed the side of Caesar's head.

"Snape was there. In my section. It took everything in me to not throw him to a Dementor or off the North Tower." Caesar crawled into Auden's lap, curling up. He knew Auden wouldn't mind even if they were currently smaller than him. Auden was a Metamorphmagus and regularly changed their appearance.

"Oh, love." Auden crooned lowly, rocking Caesar and changing to a bigger male body because that was what Caesar needed right now. They both were switches and somehow almost perfectly matched. The Metamorph pressed Caesar's head over their heart. "You did so good. There's talk of revisiting the case."

"Who petitioned?" Caesar knew it mattered. If it was Lucius, he could play the distraught Submissive card and the fact that they had a child.

"Narcissa and Lucius put a joint petition together." Auden worked in the Improper Use of Magic department but had friends in other ones. "Apparently Lucius has also pulled Draco from Hogwarts."

"Good riddance. Mary says he's a real piece of work. Even as a Little." Caesar grumbled. "I bet Sirius and Remus are pissed."

"You bet. They've done several interviews to talk about their story and to keep the public on their side. As the public should be. Snape is a creepy bastard." Auden shuddered. They had never forgotten Snape telling them their Muggleborn mother should die. "But let's eat a shit ton of chocolate and cuddle. I missed my personal heater."

"You only love me for my body and bodt heat." Caesar accused playfully but summoned chocolate before settling against Auden and listening to them talk.


The blond woman hurried through the mansion and handed Lucius a letter. It had come addressed to her because she was the lead petitioner. It had informed them that the case would be reopened and investigated by the Unspeakables but that after that, no more petitions would be allowed for 10 years.

"We have a chance." Lucius whispered, clutching the letter like a lifeline. His normally immaculate appearance was gone and he looked ill. He had lost weight and his eyes had dark bruise like shadows under them. He was also suffering from Sub-Dep because he wouldn't allow Narcissa to Dominate him nor would he use a service. He had promised Severus that he would be the only one to dominate him.

"You need to be at your best, Lucius." Narcissa spoke more firmly than she had in a long time. "What would Severus say if he saw you in this state?"

Lucius looked a bit ashamed but also mutinous. "He's the only one who will Dominate me. I won't betray him."

"Am I not part of the relationship also? He tasked me with taking care of you in his absence." Narcissa tapped into her more Dominant side. "He would punish me for failing him." Her elegant fingers grasped Lucius' wrist.

"Fine." Lucius knew she was right. Severus would be extremely unhappy at seeing his state. The Dominant was very firm in his guidelines for Lucius' health and even Narcissa's. "But only because I can't function like this and help Severus."

"Thank you." Narcissa smiled at Lucius and rubbed his wrist with her thumb. She took him upstairs to her suite of rooms. "Bath first and then lunch. You'll need the energy."

Lucius looked resigned at being Dominated by Narcissa but also a bit excited. It had been a long time and he really did need it. His whole body was screaming out for someone to Dominate him. The letter had been the push he needed and he had given in so he could help the case.

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