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Pansy hurtled through the halls, furiously fighting the stinging in her eyes and the lump in her throat. She couldn't be a Little. Her parents would hate her. She would be worthless to them then and they would stop treating her well. She crashed into someone and bounced back.

"Pansy?" Viola Runcorn had caught Pansy to keep her from falling. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Pansy snapped automatically before seemingly deflating. She let her friend take her to an abandoned classroom and charmed the door to alert if anyone approached.

"You and I both know that's not true." Viola's purple eyes were locked on Pansy's dark brown ones. "What happened?" Her voice was the perfect mixture of stern yet caring.

"Iwasfinallyclassified." Pansy mumbled under her breath. Her fists were clenched and she looked embarrassed.

"I can't understand you." Viola transfigured an old desk into a comfortable sofa and pulled Pansy to sit next to her.

"My parents pretended I was neutral. I was never classified." Pansy admitted. "I had an altercation with Granger and Lovegood. And somehow they figured out that I hadn't been classified and that I was under suppression potions. They had me tested." She paused to suck in a deep breath.

"What were you classified as?" Viola was a caregiver and she had a pretty insistent feeling on what her friend was. She was usually right about people's classifications.

"I'm a little." Pansy sounded miserable. She hated having to admit that. She was supposed to be Neutral or a Dominant to be the Parkinson Heiress.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Viola held her friend close. She was unusually openly tactile with her friends. Most Slytherins only gave polite handshakes and stiff formal hugs except in special cases.

"My parents hate Littles." Pansy choked out. She scrubbed her face angrily with both hands like an upset toddler.

"Maybe it will be different because you're their daughter." Viola suggested gently. "But if they don't like it, you can come live with me and my parents."

"Really?" Pansy's tense exterior melted to show an upset and vulnerable girl. The suppression potions had messed her over completely and she had learned to hate from her parents. It would be hard for her to change because she didn't know anything else.

"Yeah. Really. You and Millicent are my best friends. You're always welcome at my home." Viola nodded firmly, her inky black hair swaying with the movement. She petted Pansy's hair for a minute, knowing the only reason the other girl allowed it was because it was something Viola did regardless of classification. "Let's get you some food. I noticed you weren't at lunch."

The two made their way to the kitchens, Viola knowing where they were thanks to her Mother having been a Hufflepuff. Her Grandfather on her Father's side had been a Ravenclaw and her Grandmother a Slytherin. Her Grandmother had been a firm believer in all magical blood being precious and that Houses had just been a way to divide everyone.


Hermione sighed, listening to Binns drone on. She loved to learn but he taught the same things over and over. She didn't even take notes anymore. She just read history books from the library and that was it.

"Psst, Mione." Ron elbowed her. He was leaning into Hermione's space.

"What?" Hermione hissed almost silently. He would have continued elbowing her had she not said something.

"What happened at lunch?" Ron demanded to know. He had totally missed the incident because he had been too busy eating to pay attention. It was one of his negative qualities.

"None of your business." Hermione sighed and went back to her book. She didn't feel like rehashing it back out because it would turn into an ALL SLYTHERINS ARE EVIL type thing. She knew that not all of them were evil. There was a Slytherin in Luna's year who had the red hair like a Weasley. The other Slytherins weren't very nice to her at all and she tended to be in the library.

Ron made a rude noise. "I'm trying to be supportive."

"Well now is not the time for this." Hermione snapped quietly. She put her things away in her bag and stood up as the class ended. She hurried off to her next class and partnered with Neville so she wouldn't have to deal with Ron. He had been acting weird and it bothered her.

"You feeling okay?" Neville's question was definitely more welcome than Ron's demand to know what happened.

"Agitated. Snape probably tried to get Parkinson out of trouble." Hermione spoke lowly. She trusted Neville and rather liked the shy boy.

"Maybe." Neville sighed and then told her what to do to the plant they were working on.

(According to the Potter and Me thing, there was 40 students in Harry's year. Five boys and five girls in each house. There was a shot of the year list and it listed each one. All Ravenclaws are known and that left five girls to be sorted. Two Gryffindors, two Hufflepuffs and a Slytherin. I figured Runcorn would be a Slytherin due to a probable relation to Albert Runcorn. So thus Viola Runcorn came into existence.)

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