Willie Nelson

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(I am so bad at writing speeches... So please excuse this first part)

It had been a long couple of months since the beginning of the trial and mountains of evidence had been presented along with hours of witness testimony. There had been many tears from several witnesses and anguish from people who had considered Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore one of their lifelong friends. It was hard on the whole Wizarding Community of Britain.

"Today will be closing statements." Bode intoned solemnly. He was feeling his age (well how a Muggle would feel at over 100 years old). He sat back in his seat and cast a subtle cushioning charm on his seat. His bones didn't like being seated so much.

"Thank you, Head Unspeakable Bode." Keinfeld stood up and started to present why Dumbledore was innocent, grasping desperately at straws. He was prepared to lose the case. It had been inevitable after all. There was too much evidence against the former Headmaster.

Herman Keinfeld sunk back into his seat after attempting to defend Dumbledore for 20 minutes. He confirmed that he was done with his final statement. The poor man knew he was in for teasing for such an awful closing argument.

"Thank you for that enlightening statement, Mr. Keinfeld." Bode felt sympathy for the young defense Law Wizard. "Mr. Gosling, you may speak."

"Members of the Wizengamot, we are gathered here to administer justice for crimes that have been committed over a span of many decades. The defendant, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, has manipulated and encouraged multiple atrocities and has created several several near fatal and fatal moments in time. So please. Keep all that you have heard over the last several months in mind as you speak to your peers." Mr. Gosling kept it short and knew the evidence would do the rest of the talking.

Everyone who wasn't part of the Wizengamot shuffled out, knowing the public part of the trial was done for now. It had become a hot debate amongst the Wizarding Community to discuss the case and in some cases, riots had occured. Well Known Dumbledore supporters had learned that they would have to renounce him publicly or face ridicule or worse.

"Ladies and gentlemen, take your time in your deliberations and consider every piece of evidence." Bode rose slowly from his chair and addressed the Wizengamot as a whole. "See the evidence and the testimonials from every side." He exited to the Judge's Chambers and then into the small attached bedroom. He needed a nap and he would be damned if he stayed awake during deliberations that could take hours or days.

Meanwhile, back in the courtroom, the Wizengamot began filing into their conference room. They used it when it was necessary for long deliberations.

"He's guilty." Purcell Parkinson stated plainly. The Dark was feeling vindicated in their hatred of Dumbledore.

"Surely he had motives for the Good of All." Martin Figg interjected, fidgeting with a quill. He was Arabella Figg's younger brother and was very grateful for Dumbledore helping his sister survive in the Muggle world.

"He was stealing from Hogwarts and leaving children in abusive homes. How is that for the Good of anyone?" Amos Diggory was offended that anyone could even think of defending Dumbledore.

"As much as it pains me to agree with Diggory, he's not wrong." Purcell squinted and rubbed his forehead. "There is absolutely no Good that could come from anything he did."

"Especially after hearing that he could have stopped the War before it happened. Had he asked Headmaster Dippet to keep Tom at the school over summer break and all other holidays, it could have been prevented." Amelia wasn't amused at Martin Figg. "We as a society MUST do better for our muggleborns and all of our children."

"This is true." Augusta nodded and made some notes before the talks and discussions of the evidence continued late into the night. They wouldn't be leaving until they reached a decision on the case.

It took several days for them to review everything and for a consensus to be reached. They had argued vehemently over many pieces of evidence as the Dumbledore Believers tries desperately to change everyone's minds.

"The Court is now in session. Forewoman Lady Amelia Bones, has the Wizengamot reached a verdict in the case of Hogwarts-Black vs Dumbledore?" Bode was so ready for all of this to be done. He just wanted to get back to his research.

"We have, Honorable Head Unspeakable Bode." Amelia stood up. "We, the members of the Wizengamot, find Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Guilty of all charges."

There were cheers from the spectator seating and from the homes of almost every Witch or Wizard in Great Britain. The Wizarding Wireless Network had been allowed to record from the Courtroom as long as they made no commentary during the proceedings.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, You have been found guilty of all charges. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Bode narrowed his grey eyes at the newly convicted man. He was ready to be done with the whole debacle and get back to his research. Hell, if it had dragged on much longer he may have "researched" the Veil by walking through it.

"Everything I have done is for the Greater Good." Dumbledore was shocked that he had been found guilty. "The end justifies the means."

"You will be put to Death immediately." Broderick Bode stood up, looking more impressive than he had ever before this whole trial. He watched impassively as Dumbledore was escorted out through a new doorway that had opened up. It only appeared when prisoners needed to go straight to the execution room. The prisoners who went through that doorway would never come out again. "Court dismissed." Bode swept out of the room dramatically.

"I can't believe it's over." Remus was a bit emotional. "He's finally getting what he deserves."

"Yep." Sirius agreed. They had listened to the rest of the court case via the wireless. The two had not wanted to be away from their Little who had been even more clingy.

Harry himself was curled up in his Moomy's lap, sleeping once again. He enjoyed naps a lot as his Big self had issues sleeping. The black haired Little was holding one of Remus's hands tightly like it was a teddy bear.

"I love you." Remus whispered to Sirius, the two exchanging a smile over Harry's head. It felt amazing to have the mess taken care of finally.

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