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"I'm here for my trial." Sirius Black followed Kingsley Shacklebolt into the courtroom. He was dressed to the nines in formal robes similar to what Orion Black had worn to Wizengamot Sessions. It reminded the older members exactly who Sirius was and who his Father had been. Orion had ruled the Dark Section with an Iron Fist but he had also worked with the Neutrals to help his agenda. He had taught his tricks to Sirius even as the boy rebelled because he wanted Sirius to know these things when he needed them.

"Sirius Black." The Minister stared at the former Convict. He couldn't believe Sirius had actually shown up. It was absolutely outrageous to the Minister's tiny mind. "Is it really?"

"That's me." Sirius flashed a brief grin as he straightened his collar. He seemed like he had no reason to worry. He was displaying that he refused to be intimidated by the full Wizengamot.

"Lord Black has been reinstated by Gringotts as the Head of Black as the last male of the main line." Kingsley announced to the Courts. It was a well known fact that Sirius should have been fully stripped of his Heirship simply for being in Azkaban. The Blacks refused to allow a Convict to be their Head. So for Sirius to be the Lord, it meant something was wrong with the original conviction.

"I'm here to tell you what really happened 13 years ago." Sirius seated himself on the chair as Kingsley nodded encouragingly. He ignored the chains on the chair which hadn't wrapped around him. Which was another sign for Sirius' innocence.

"I seem to recall a Kiss on Sight order." Delores Umbridge simpered with a nasty Expression. She didn't want to have a scandal which would affect her precious Cornelius Fudge.

"Unless you want to fry Harry Potter's brain, I wouldn't." Sirius scowled darkly at the former Slytherin. "Harry Potter is a Little, my Little to be specific. This is also registered with Gringotts and the paperwork has been turned in to the Ministry office of Little Affairs also."

"Where is young Mister Potter?" Amelia Bones looked at Sirius with a raised eyebrow. She had known Sirius in school and had always felt he was innocent. The near worship Sirius had had for James Potter had been prominent in Hogwarts. They were rarely seen apart outside of detention or dates.

"Right here." Remus carried Harry in, the boy fully Big at the moment. He was prepared to fight for his Mate also. He would not lose Sirius when he had just gotten him back.

"Witness for the Defense. Harry James Potter." Kingsley announced again. He was annoyed at Umbridge interjecting like that. She was a pain in the arse.

"How can we trust the word of a Little? They don't always see clearly." Delores interjected maliciously. Her eyes sparkled with an evil joy at trying to deny Sirius a witness.

"I hadn't yet reached my classification. I was entirely my own age." Harry spoke up, sitting in a comfortable chair that Kingsley conjured for him. "I can submit the memories of what happened last June."

"Please." Amelia nodded and Kingsley collected the memories. She trusted Harry and that he would have no reason to lie.

"See here! Professor Snape said the boy had been confunded. His memories would of course be tilted in Black's favor." Delores shouted, sounding incensed. She slammed her fist on the desk.

"His memories would reflect the changes as Black is not skilled in the Confundus charm." Amelia shook he head. "Continue."

Kingsley put the memories in a special Pevensieve and cast the spell to have it projected for everyone. The memory played out perfectly, no sign of tampering at all. It also matched with what Hermione, Harry and Ron had said.

"I have also taken Peter Pettigrew into custody." Kingsley announced. "Auror Drex, please bring in the prisoner."

A skinny black haired wizard brought in Peter Pettigrew, the rat animagus looking terrified. He was strapped into a similar chair to the one that Sirius was sat in. The chains wrapped tightly around Peter's body.

"Administer the Veritaserum." Amelia ordered and an Auror did so. "What is your full name?"

"Peter Pergot Pettigrew." Pettigrew spoke monotonously, answering a few other questions to confirm his identity. The real questions started and Pettigrew was identified as a Death Eater by the mark on his arm and confirmed that he had sold Lily and James out.

Sirius gave his own testimony after and finally he was cleared of all charges provided he register as an animagus. He was also awarded a hefty sum of money in recompense.

~Back at Black Manor~

"Remus?" Sirius looked at Remus, looking slightly dazed. He was in sheer disbelief at what had just happened.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" Remus had a tender look on his face, knowing Sirius needed the soft affection rather than their usual bantering affection.

"I'm free." Sirius sounded choked up. "I can have my family with you and Harry. We can be a family. No one can take him from us again. He's OURS."

He held the sleeping Little tightly, rocking back and forth. He was overcome with so many different emotions but mostly relief. His magic filled the room, covering Remus and himself. When it faded, they had been returned to the prime of their lives at about 20 years old. It was Lady Magic giving them a second chance from the age they had been before things had gone to Hades in a Hand Basket.

"Sirius." Remus breathed out, moving over to kiss at his mate's neck. He could no longer smell the sickness that had clung to Sirius like skunk spray clung to whatever had been sprayed. "Love you. Love you."

"Love you too." Sirius smiled at Remus, turning his head and capturing the werewolf's lips in a hard kiss. It was real and he could hardly believe it. The hope he had been clinging to had been turned into reality.

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