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(Sorry, guys. I am not making this Drarry. That's one thing that is never going to happen.)(Also. As a reminder, Snape is with Lucius. They are a couple. There are no mates. Everything is contracts or vows.)

"I'm not Little right now. I am going for a walk. By MYSELF." Harry spoke very clearly and distinctly. He glared at Hermione, silently daring her to try and tell him no while he's Big. "And if you follow me, I'll get on my Firebolt and go flying in the Forbidden Forest."

Hermione clamped her mouth shut, looking peeved and wishing the twins were there. George had a way with Harry whether he was big or not. She hated fighting with Harry.

Harry had forgotten the Map (Remus had hidden it) so they couldn't follow him and he left the apartments. He wandered for a bit, not paying attention to where he was going until he bumped into a wall. He frowned, fighting down the irrational urge to cry and looked around.

The Little had managed to wander pretty far down into the dungeons and he didn't recognize anything around him. Harry frowned, turning to go back the way he came and ended up in a room with multiple exits. His heart started to race, anxiety rising up at the thought of being lost. His battle against his Little side was not going well and a plaintive cry welled up to echo in the stone room.

The small black haired boy just flopped to the ground and cried, Little side taking over. He was cold, lonely and terrified and absolutely lost. His magic was trying to keep him from freezing but it was very cold that deep in the dungeons.


Snape's wards on the lower dungeons alerted him to them being crossed. He scowled, pushing back from his desk in his office and made his way through the lower dungeons easily. He had spent years exploring them and also casting spells to let him know if anyone was down there and was lost.

The potions master occasionally cast a spell to make sure he was on the right track to find the lost person. He might hate teaching but he was not going to let someone truly be lost. Snape wouldn't have even responded so quickly if the wards hadn't told him that it was a Little that was lost pretty deep.

He was many things but he wasn't willing to let a Little be lost. It reminded him way too much of Draco and he knew his heart would break if something happened to the Little Blond.

As he got closer, he could hear the sounds of sobbing and the Little calling for their caregivers. Severus entered the room and just stopped, pinching the bridge of his rather large nose and inhaled deeply. Of course it would be Harry freaking Potter.

"Potter." Snape had to keep from growling. The sobs renewed harder and a small body hurdled at the dungeon bat. He braced himself as the tiny boy connected with his legs, attempting to not topple over. "What are you doing down here?"

"L-lost!" Harry sobbed, clinging to the robes of his savior. He didn't even register who had found him.

"I see that." Snape snorted dryly. He attempted to detach the Little from his robes and almost lost his hearing from the unholy terrified shriek Harry produced. He winced, rubbing his ears and sighed. "If you will not walk next to me, then you must be carried."

Harry's arms shot up quickly, grasping onto the fabric over Severus' chest. The greasy haired man grumbled but picked him up, patting his back absently. He swiftly made his way through the halls in the dungeon and back out to near his office.

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