Black Sabbath

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Remus hummed softly, mentally thanking his gods for giving him his home back. He was watching Sirius trying to get Harry to put his pants back on. "Harry, put your pants back on please."

"Okay, Moomy." Harry smiled sweetly, holding still now. He adored the werewolf and the motherly aura that existed around Remus.

"You and your weird Roman Mother magic." Sirius playfully accused. "Do you still follow them?"

"My family originally came from Rome many generations ago so yes. I always have and always will. Did you know that I'm named after one of the founders of Rome? Remus and Romulus. Suckled by the Mother Wolf, Lupa." Remus smiled brightly. "That's also where my last name came from. Lupa to Lupin."

"Rem, tell us the story of the first werewolf?" Sirius knew it was one of the few werewolf things Remus would talk about.

"Lycaon was a legendary king of Arcadia. Traditionally, he was an impious and cruel king who tried to trick Zeus, the king of the gods, into eating human flesh. The god was not deceived and in wrath devastated the earth with Deucalian’s flood, according to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book I. Lycaon himself was turned into a wolf as punishment. So thus the first werewolf came into existence." Remus had been told that story by the age of 9. "My family has ALWAYS followed the Romans because that is where our ancestors are from."

"That makes a lot of sense. Look at you. Named after an important guy. I'm named after a frickin constellation." Sirius grinned at his lover. He knew Remus was rather proud of his Roman heritage.

Harry was not paying attention, currently squinting at his toy which shot across the room, bounced off the back of Sirius' shoulder and onto the floor. "Oops. Sorry, Daddy."

"It was an accident and you've apologized. It's okay." Sirius smiled handing the toy to Harry. He watched Harry take the toy to Remus to share.

"Moomy." Harry grinned brightly at his Moomy, cuddling against the werewolf. He loved being with his caregivers.

"Remus, Sirius." Minerva had come through the Floo. She wanted to check on Harry. She also fully supported their decision for taking Harry home early.

"Minnie!" Harry gasped, looking positively thrilled to see the witch. He scrambled down and over to her, holding his hand to her like he had been taught. He grinned when she shook his hand and then scooped him up for a hug.

"I'm glad to see you're okay." Minerva had been very worried. She hugged him a bit longer before setting him down. She petted his hair for a moment and then waited for a second.

"Uh huh. Big Bat save Harry." Harry nodded before looking confused as all the adults attempted not to laugh. He didn't understand what was funny.

'Big Bat.' Remus mouthed to himself, covering his face. Minerva was trying so hard not to smile. Sirius however howled with laughter, clutching his sides.

"Why laugh?" Harry tilted his head adorably. His cheeks were pink from his own little giggles. He couldn't help but laugh when someone else did.

"Professor Snape saved you." Minerva sat and pulled Harry to stand in front of her. "Can you say Professor Snape?"

"P'fessor Snap." Harry tried to repeat after Minerva. It was hard for him to form the long word.

"Professor Snape." Minerva repeated gently. She knew Harry was trying his hardest.

"Pofessor Snap." Harry grinned brightly. His precious little face was alight with happiness at getting it mostly correct.

"Good enough." Minerva shrugged and hugged Harry once more. "I have to get back to the school but let me know what you decide to do." She left through the Floo.

"Who's hungry?" Remus scooped Harry up. He settled Harry into his arms and waited.

"Me! Daddy dying?" Harry pointed at Sirius who was gasping as he attempted to catch his breath and stop laughing.

"He'll be okay." Remus grinned and summoned a dose of calming draught. He floated it to Sirius who drank it down gratefully. The werewolf went to the kitchen where Dobby had made dinner already. The crazy house elf had voluntarily bonded to Remus and Siriud, knowing the werewolf and Lord would pay him willingly. Plus it made it so he could stay close to Harry.

Harry pointed at the food. "Hungry, Moomy."

"Shh, we'll get you set up." Remus buckled Harry into the highchair and set the plate that was clearly the Little's on the tray. The werewolf watched Harry from the corner of his eye, knowing the Little wouldn't eat if he knew he was being watched. He only started eating once Harry was fully engrossed in his food.

Sirius finally entered the kitchen and sat down, nudging Remus' foot under the table with his own and tilting his head towards Harry who had a green bean across his lip. The long haired man was visibly amused, grinning at his mate.

Remus chuckled quietly, silently acknowledging that Harry was cute. "Dobby outdid himself this time. It's so good."

"Dobby a good cook." Harry had managed to get the bean off his lip. He continued eating until he was full, waiting for one of his caregivers to finish.

"Let's go have a bath before bed, love." Sirius had wolfed his food down and took Harry off for a bath.

The trio finished the night with Harry nursing once more before bed. He was tucked between them in bed because he slept better that way as they had discovered during the summer. The nightmare from the day Harry had been lost had been an odd occurrence but hadn't really happened since then.

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