Goodbye Earl

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"Severus Snape. You are under arrest for leaking the prophecy that caused the deaths of Lily and James Potter." Kingsley Shacklebolt's smooth voice told Severus Snape why he had been called from his class to the Headmaster's office. The Auror had been told to be extremely careful as Snape was considered extremely dangerous.

Sirius and Remus had chosen to request Snape's arrest for contributing to James and Lily's deaths. They could technically do the same to Dumbledore but they were gathering evidence to help make sure he couldn't weasel his way out. They wanted to take Dumbledore completely down for putting Harry into an abusive home.

"Now, Kingsley my boy. I think there's been a mistake." Dumbledore kept his grandfatherly air up. His blue eyes twinkled behind his spectacles in a friendly manner.

"No, no there is not. Lord Black and Mister Lupin have pressed charges against Severus Tobias Snape for his role in the death of James and Lily Potter as is their right under the Ancient Family Laws. He played a role in the near extinction of an Ancient and Grand Family." Kingsley spoke firmly. "He will await trial."

Severus looked at Dumbledore who was supposed to have taken care of any involvement like that. He didn't resist arrest though, certain Lucius and a few other Death Eaters would help him be freed. He allowed the magic blocking cuffs and went through the Floo.

Once everyone had vacated the Headmaster's office, Dumbledore's kind grandfather expression evaporated and he snarled silently. He crossed the room to the Floo and went to make a few visits of his own.

~At Grimmauld~

Sirius was holding a sleeping Harry in his lap as he looked over papers. He was in the process of opening up one of the houses that belongs to Harry. Sirius was one hundred percent willing to do anything to keep his Little/godson happy.

Harry had wanted to open up the Potter's Ancestral home because that's where his dad had grown up and where his family's many portraits were. He had wanted to talk to all the portraits he could so he could get to know his paternal family.

Remus came in after answering a Floo call from Kingsley. "Snape has been arrested. Dumbledore is not happy."

"Of course not. His precious spy is finally getting what he deserves. A jail cell." Sirius sounded bitter. "Dumbledore who is notorious for giving second chances let me rot in Azkaban for 12 years. Because I didn't fit into his plans and he knew I wouldn't do as he wanted which is let him lead Harry like a pig to slaughter."

"He won't be able to preside over it because it's a conflict of interest. Kingsley says Madam Bones most likely will. And Malfoy won't be able to sit in either as again, conflict of interest." Remus smirked wolfishly. He was pleased that the dungeon bat was going to get what he deserved.

"Good." Sirius laughed bitterly. "He can say hi to the dementors for me."

Harry started to wake, shifting in Sirius' lap. His sleepy emerald eyes opened and he squinted at Sirius. "Daddy?"

"Yes, Bambi?" Sirius' tone was entirely different now, soft and soothing. He set his papers down and tucked Harry closer to his chest.

"Love Daddy and Moomy." Harry mumbled, already slipping back to sleep. His thumb slipped into his mouth as his pacifier had vanished.

"Love you too." Sirius kissed his Little's forehead. His heart was utterly taken by Remus and Harry as they were the ones he had left to him.

"I love you too, Cub." Remus sat by Sirius and hugged them both. He would do anything to protect them and get justice for James and Lily. Pettigrew had been just the beginning. Once they got Snape squared away in jail, Dumbledore would be next for not obeying James and Lily's wills and not handing Harry over to the person who had the most legal right to him which had been Sirius.

Harry had been supposed to go to his godfather if something happened to James and Lily, if not Sirius then Remus or Harry's godmother Alice Longbottom or even Augusta Longbottom. There had been a part of Lily's will that had said that Harry was NEVER to go to her sister's home.

Lily knew her sister would mistreat Harry due to his parentage and almost certain probability of magic. Petunia had been hateful to Lily ever since Lily had started showing her powers and had often hurt Lily or ruined her possessions. That was why she had never wanted Harry to be anywhere near Petunia or Vernon (or Vermin as James called him when he thought Lily wasn't able to hear him).

"We will get this settled, love. I promise." Remus murmured softly to his mate, kissing Sirius' stubble covered cheek. He would make sure of it.

Sirius nodded, leaning into Remus' warmth and watched Harry sleeping safely in their arms.

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