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(Neville's hair colour was never given in the books, but J. K. Rowling has described him as blonde; however, fanon usually gives him brown hair (possibly because of Matthew Lewis, who portrays him in the films) I go by this interview because that is always how I pictured Neville. As a blond.)

"Are you ready to go, Fred?" Hermione was double checking her bag to make sure she had everything. She heard an indistinct answer as footsteps echoed through the room.

"George has Harry. They'll be along shortly." Fred paused to kiss Hermione softly, looking at his girlfriend fondly. The Weasley was gentle with his girlfriend more often than not despite knowing her strength. She was strong and stubborn and beautiful to him. "They'll meet us at breakfast."

"Okay. Do you have everything?" Hermione neatened Fred's tie, kissing his cheek after. It was just habit for her to neaten clothing for the boys. It was one manner of her Caregiver status coming through.

"Yeah." Fred held Hermione's hand as they walked to the Great Hall. Luna was waiting for them with Neville at the table.

"Where's Harry?" Neville was fond of the other boy. He also wanted to see how the boy was doing. He continued eating, having paused to speak.

"With George. They'll be down soon." Hermione answered, smiling at the blond boy sweetly. She was glad they were becoming closer friends with Neville.

"Oh good." Luna leaned into Neville's side a bit. She was most likely to be a submissive and she was proud of it.

George came in with Harry in his arms, the Little's head resting on the ginger's shoulder. "Morning, you lot."

"Morning, George." Neville greeted cheerfully. "Good morning, Harry."

"No." Harry was grumpy. He dug his face into George's neck, clinging to him. He was grumpy because he had just barely woken up.

"Harry, that is not nice." Hermione scolded gently. She just wanted Harry to be kind.

"Morning, Nebil." Harry lifted his head to look at the blond boy. He looked apologetic for being snippy.

"Did you sleep well?" Neville smiled at Harry softly. He didn't mind if the Little was snippy. It was rather cute in his opinion.

"Mhm." Harry nodded, the Little being turned in George's lap so he could be fed. He started with porridge and some sausage, making happy noises as he was fed.

"Good. I'm glad." Neville had a sweet patience about him that helped when he worked with his plants. He always took the time to understand them and their needs. He was attempting to apply it to people.

"Harry, are you excited for classes?" Hermione asked the Little, curious if he would be. She knew Harry liked learning.

"You're gonna see Professor McGonagall today too." George added with a mischievous grin. He knew Harry liked Minerva.

"Gonna see Minnie?" Harry perked up. He adored the professor. She had stopped by a few times at Grimmauld to talk about his individual arrangements. It was customary for the head of each house to do so for their more vulnerable students.

"Good morning, Mr. Potter." Minerva was handing out schedules and stopped to give Harry's schedule to Hermione.

"Minnie!" Harry smiled brightly at the witch, her stern expression softening. His whole face had lit up when he saw her.

"I'm Professor when at school, Harry." Minerva reminded the Little who pouted but nodded.

~Across the room with Draco~

"Draco, you need to eat. Starving yourself won't change your classification." Theo pleaded quietly, trying to get the Malfoy to stop being so stubborn. He couldn't understand why Draco had such a problem with his classification.

"Not hungry." Draco turned his nose up into the air. "Don't need food."

"I'm going to tell Blaise." Theo used a last ditch effort. It was one that caught Draco's attention.

"Tell me what?" Blaise had been running a bit behind, making sure Draco's diaper bag and his school bag were packed.

"Draco is refusing to eat." Theo looked at Blaise in relief. The darker boy was the one in charge of punishment because Theo couldn't bear to truly punish Draco, something the Little blond took advantage of at times.

"Draco. You will eat." Blaise said it as an order. He was absolutely not dealing with any brattiness. "Or I'll tell your Papa Severus." He said the lower part quieter.

"You wouldn't." Draco gasped, looking horrified. He couldn't believe Theo had told on him or that Blaise would tell on him to Papa Severus.

"I would. After I took you out and spanked your arse. Understand me?" Blaise hated being harsh but he needed to get it through Draco's head.

The Little blond turned away from Blaise, crawling into Theo's lap to be fed. He was shunning Blaise for saying he was going to spank him. Theo gave Blaise a grateful look over Draco's head, feeding the small boy.

Blaise accepted all three schedules from Snape, shaking his head at the professor's silent question. He could deal with Draco's brattiness himself with Theo's help.

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