Johnny Cash

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(I am honestly so done with this story. It was a huge part of my life for awhile but my brain felt like an empty barrel for this story.)

Sirius hurried through the halls until he saw Remus. "There you are. What have you been doing?"

"Reading. I lost track of time." Remus had a sheepish expression. He had been very engrossed with his novel. It was written by a Halfblood named Stephen King.

"Oh boy." Sirius snorted. "I'm not surprised. You usually are reading."

"And you're usually messing with your hair." Remus retorted, ruffling Sirius' inky hair and then laughing at the outraged look on the Lord's face. "Oh your face is so great."

"Okay, Moon Moon." Sirius barked out a laugh. "You're so nice to me, Rem."

"Yeah." Remus agreed, putting his book down and kissed his mate. He stroked Sirius' skin and held the animagus in the lap. "I love you, you stupid mutt. Even if you drive me nuts."

"I love you too." Sirius looked fondly at the werewolf and then stood up. "Let's go get Harry."

Remus made an agreeing noise and ran up the stairs once he made it to the hall. He wanted to get the sleepy Harry cuddles. He managed to get into Harry's nursery room first and scooped up the Little who had just woken up.

"Moomy." Harry mumbled, clinging to the werewolf's neck. He rested his cheek on Remus' shoulder and yawned.

"Did you have a good quiet time, cub?" Remus smiled, rubbing Harry's back. He knew he would have gotten a dirty look if he had called it a nap.

"Yeah." The black haired Little mumbled. He was still sleepy and it showed on his face. "Blankie had a good nap."

"I bet. It's nice and warm in here. The Elves always take good care of the home." Remus was currently changing Harry's pull up and put on a clean set of comfortable clothing as Harry's old ones were soaked from sweat and drool. The Caregiver looked at Harry adoringly, seeing the way the Little rubbed his eyes.

"Moomy, Thirsty." Harry lifted his arms up beseechingly. He wanted to nurse from Remus.

"Alright, Cub." Remus sat down and removed his shirt. The Little latched on pretty quickly and eagerly nursed. The boy curled into the Caregiver with an ease that came from months of reassurance that it was OKAY to be loved and held and given affection. Harry had taken ages to get used to it and occasionally still had problems with it. Sometimes he just couldn't process that people actually loved and cared about him.

Sirius was watching from the doorway, a soft look on his face. His heart ached a bit from how much he loved the two in the nursery. They were his world. He approached slowly and sat on a stool nearby.

Harry's small hand shot out and he held onto Sirius' hand once the older male held it out to him. The Little snuffled contentedly and continued nursing. The time was very special and Harry absolutely loved being with his Caregivers.

(See bottom for warning)

Severus was having a terrible day, having been yanked from his cell in Azkaban. He was going to a hearing that had been set up to discuss his sentencing. Someone had counter-petitioned that he Receive the Kiss. Lucius' original Petition had not been well received by the Wizengamot and he had been denied a retrial.

"Hello, Severus." Lucius had been allowed a supervised meeting with the Dom. The blond's usually pristine appearance was marred by dark circles under his eyes and a clear weight loss. The stress was getting to him and Narcissa wasn't Dominant enough to give him what he needed.

"Lucius." Severus hated seeing his Submissive like that. He put his arms around his Sub and held him tight, relishing in the feel of someone's magic. He had been cut off from other prisoners and put into isolation. "Do you know who petitioned this? Was it Black?"

"No actually... It was Augusta Longbottom and several others." Lucius had spat out Augusta's name. He hated that vile old woman. "She blames you for the War and her blood traitor son being attacked."

"I had nothing to do with the Longbottom attack." Severus scowled. He didn't believe it was his fault despite being the one who told Voldemort part of the prophecy. He figured that the Longbottoms should have been smart enough to go into hiding.

"I know but the Wizengamot is all for The Boy Who Lived and anyone remotely close to him." Lucius curled against the black haired man, seeking comfort. It was an instinctual behavior. He hadn't been with his Dom for far too long. "They are giving them leeway and practically licking the boots of Blood Traitors."

Severus stroked Lucius' hair for a moment and then kissed him hard. His body was a wreck from Azkaban and he wasn't as strong as he had been. "I wish I could take you right now."

"Soon." Lucius whispered, looking hopeful. He hoped that Severus would be released. It was a futile hope but one he clung to nonetheless. He had no way of knowing that this was actually to be Severus' execution.

He watched as Aurors took Severus to the Chamber but screamed when he realized what was happening. He had felt the cold chill in the air and a dementor had been brought in. "SEVERUS!" He screamed, losing composure in public for the first time ever.

Severus struggled against the Aurors who forced him to his knees. He was yelling at them and at the Wizengamot who had all gathered. They were required to be there for every execution. The Dementor floated closer and latched Boney hands to Severus' sallow face.

The enraged Dom's struggles grew weaker as the hood lowered over his face and finally stopped once the Dementor's mouth latched to his. His soul was being sucked out and finally his body slumped. The Dementor was driven out with a patronus to be brought back to Azkaban. Its job here was done.

"February 20th, 1995. Severus Snape has been given the Dementor's Kiss." The Scribe Announced. He hated seeing executions but it was part of his job.

Lucius had fainted from distress and from the bond between him and his Dominant breaking. It was extremely painful especially due to how old the Bond had been. They had been together since Severus had been Classified. The Dominant had been the only one that Lucius had truly ever been himself with.

Two Healers came and took the Submissive. He was to be under strict watch and monitored closely. Submissives who lost their Dominants in a sudden way tended to kill themselves. Especially after a prolonged separation. The Court wouldn't be sorry to wash its hands of the Malfoys though. But they knew that Narcissa would take over for Severus when it came to Lucius and the Malfoy family. She had made arrangements for a worst case scenario which were already being carried out. Severus would be taken to the Manor and privately put to actual Death. That way he would pass in a home that was his and not treated as garbage.

It was tiring to have to deal with such horribleness through the year. All the parents who had had children being taught by Snape were all relieved and a bit angry at themselves for not believing that a teacher was abusive to the students. It was a tragedy and many of them had owled apologies to their children.

(Someone dies)

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