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(Littles are Asexual so no smut from them. And no descriptive smut will be written in here at all.)(Sometimes I forget what tags I have for this story. Also, Male Lactation. Don't like it? That sucks. Skip over "Thirsty, Moomy")

"I knew it was a mistake to send Harry there." Sirius was laying with his head against Remus' shoulder. "He was there for less than a week and he already had something happen."

"He needs his education, Sirius." Remus looked at his Little sleeping on his chest. Granted he was very displeased that the incident had occurred at all. He had trusted Hermione to watch Harry and she had failed.

"Rem. He's gonna be too scared to go back." Sirius protested, petting Harry's hair. "We can teach him. Plus we have friends who have masteries in things we don't."

"Look at it this way. The Ministry is barely tolerating us being Harry's caregivers. It'll be shady if we pull him from Hogwarts. People will think we're hiding Harry away to hurt him." Remus spoke logically despite also wanting to keep their Little close. It hurt him to have to send Harry so far away.

"I know..." Sirius sounded petulant. He had a scowl on his face that could make Severus Snape look like Mr. Congeniality.

"So we have to send him back." Remus smoothed a hand through his mate's hair. He kissed the top of Sirius' head. "I want to keep him here with us also but we have to send him back to school."

"I hate it. I want to keep him with us where he's safe." Sirius sighed and closed his eyes at the gentle touch. The soft touches were what he craved more and more the longer he was out of Azkaban.

"I know. I'm sorry." Remus truly wished he could let Harry stay with them. Especially with the Triwizard Tournament happening.

"Moomy? Daddy?" Harry had woken up. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and peered at the two Caregivers.

"Hey there, Bambi." Sirius smiled softly, leaning over to kiss the Little's forehead. There was no doubt that Big Harry wouldn't be showing up for a few days.

"Hey, Cub." Remus shifted Harry to sit more upright in his lap. "How do you feel?"

"Thirsty, Moomy." Harry turned his head to Remus' chest. He wanted to nurse from the werewolf.

"Go ahead, Honey. It's okay to do that." Remus hummed, watching Harry squirm into a more comfortable position. He didn't even startle when the Little latched on, just smoothed a hand through the unruly curls.

"Our boy." Sirius couldn't take his eyes off the black haired Little. He tugged the blanket up more to make sure Harry's small body was covered. It was his way of helping with the nursing session.

Remus just started humming softly. His mate and their Little were his entire world. He looked softly at Sirius and then back at the nursing Little. It had made him a bit pouty when he had realized that Lady Magic had chosen him to be the "female". His chest had been tender and swollen for awhile and it sent a huge jolt of relief through him when Harry nursed.

Sirius had taken great delight in Remus' newest sensitive spot. He also had ordered special creams for the werewolf to help the tenderness and future nipple dryness. He had read up on what to expect as a caregiver. The Lord had never been so excited over anything in his life besides successfully finding his life partner in Remus.

Sirius' attention was caught by a small hand gripping some of his hair. He just smiled, lowering his head more to make it easier on the Little. "I love you, Harry."

Harry blushed. He still got shy when he was told he was loved. "Lub you, Daddy. Lub you, Moomy." He relatched on, hiding his face that way. He always got flustered when they said they love him.

Sirius just grinned happily, carefully looking at Remus. The werewolf had a soft, loving expression on his scarred face. He was always very expressive and his forest green eyes practically radiated his love and affection.

Their little family was happy for the moment.  Everyone was together and safe. All was well for now.

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