Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

       I still didn't know why I agreed to go to the Crooked Discord concert with everyone when I just wasn't having a fun time and I knew I wasn't going to. I even tried getting some kind of punishment that would conflict with going out, like being confined to my room after dinner for another week but for some reason, I just couldn't get in trouble.

       I didn't even care if it meant I would lose the bet, but that didn't help at all.

       The one time I actually needed to get in trouble, I couldn't.

       I felt bad because my mood was only bringing everyone else down, but I couldn't help it. This was the one place I didn't want to be in.

       During my favourite song of the band's, Jules sat back down beside me in his seat since I was sitting the whole time. He then leaned towards me so I could hear him over all the noise. "I know for a fact that this is your favourite song," he said. "Are you really going to be like this the whole time?"

       "I have no idea what you're talking about," I said.

       "Seriously? You're still trying to deny it?" Jules asked. "This is your favourite band playing your favourite song and you're just sitting here."

       I snorted. "Them being my favourite band is an overstatement. A really big overstatement."

       "Okay, but don't deny that this reall is your favourite song by them," Jules said. "You don't want to get up to dance and sing along?"

       "No thanks," I said.

       "Why did you agree to come them if you were only going to mope the whole time?" Jules asked, starting to sound annoyed which didn't really happen often.

       "Because I didn't want you to feel bad if I stayed back," I said. "In retrospect, I should have because I am just bringing everyone's moods down. Just have fun with everyone else and forget all about me."

       "When you put it that way, you're making me sound like a bad boyfriend," Jules said.

       "What? No, that's not what I'm saying. I want you to have fun, okay? Don't mind me. Just pretend I'm here because I'm the only one who was able to drive us. Which is true, so just think about that."

       "Are you sure?" Jules asked.

       "Yes, of course," I said. "Seriously, I want you to have fun with the others. Don't worry about me."

       Jules smiled and kissed my cheek before standing up again and joining the others in dancing and singing along to the songs. All while I just sat here being all moody.

       I really wished I stayed home.

       At one point, I thought I saw the lead guitarist looking at me, but I was really hoping I just imagined it.

       It felt like forever before the concert finally ended, so we started leaving the arena when my cell phone buzzed in my pocket with a new message. I pulled it out, silently sighing at the text. Come backstage.

       I should have ignored the text, but I didn't so I told everyone that I had to go to the washroom and it might take a while because of the line ups. I took my car keys out of my pocket and handed it to Jules. "I'll meet you all there," I said.

       I was about to walk away, but Jules gently grabbed my arm. "Hey," he said. "I'm going to take you out for lunch tomorrow."

       "You don't have to do that," I said.

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