Chapter 12: Wait For It

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"Ahaha...", Izuku nervously laughed to himself. "I'm scared."

Nagisa grinned and lightly pat the greenette on the back as the two of them stared up at the gigantic door of class 1-A. "It's going to be fine, Izu! Calm down!"

The school year had officially begin and now all that was left for them to do is to step in the classroom.

Now if only Izuku could muster up the courage to move...

"How about I go ahead and open the door?", Nagisa offered. Izuku managed to nod.

Izuku was at his wit's end. Inside the classroom, he could hear Katsuki and the boy who called him out on his muttering, which he learned as Tenya Iida's voices and they seem to be arguing. He really doubts everything would go well, but...

Nagisa went ahead and opened the door to a room full of unique and friendly faces chatting with each other in the chairs and desks they're sitting on.

Oh and Katsuki, too.

Nagisa was slightly disappointed when Henri wasn't present yet. He'd gotten used to his comforting aura.

Plus, they'd need it for the upcoming drama most likely happening later.

"The **** are you doing here, Deku!?", Katsuki noticed him and called out. All chatter stopped and turned to look at the greenette.

Izuku's face instantly turned into a cherry and he silently wished for the ground to swallow him up. Silently laughing, Nagisa took his hand and led him inside. "Come on, silly."

Tenya went up to him and bowed. "Hello! I am Tenya Iida and--"

"I--I overheard", Izuku stuttered and tried to smile as he held out a hand. "I'm I-Izuku Midoriya."

Tenya blinked and hesitantly took it, all the while contemplating. "Wait, aren't you the boy who--"

"There you are! Falling boy!"

Much to Nagisa's amusement, Izuku's face immediately turned into a tomato as a girl with a bob cut appeared and beamed like a thousand kittens just crooned at her. "A--umm--"

"You were awesome at the exam!", the girl practically jumped in place. "Especially the way you blew up that Zero Pointer!"

"Woah, seriously?", a redhead came up to them. "That's super manly, yo! Name's Eijirou Kirishima by the way. Nice to meet you!"

"I-Izuku Midoriya", Izuku nodded and smiled like he had just been given a genie in a lamp. "Nice to meet you, too."

"I'm Nagisa Shiota", Nagisa waved at Eijirou, Tenya and the girl. "I'm one of his childhood best friends."

"That's really cool!", the girl smiled. Nagisa and Izuku couldn't help but compare it to one of Henri's smiles. So far, it's a tie. "I'm Ochako Uraraka! Nice to meet you guys!"

"Likewise!", they all answered.

Suddenly, another student entered the room. Izuku and Nagisa practically brightened up when they saw him. "Hiccup! Hi!"

Henri turned and smiled at them as he waved and went near them. "Hello, you guys!"

Tenya cleared his throat and once again introduced himself to the half-German.

Henri, like Izuku, brightened up like he was just given the whole world. He replied with a bow (because again; manners were drilled into his head since he was 6). "I'm Henri Hikari. Pleasure to be your acquaintance and I hope we'll be friends in the near future."

Ochako, Tenya and Eijirou's eyes widened.

"Wait,", Eijirou gulped. "Came first in the entrance exam."

"Umm...", Henri blushed. "Y-yes, I am."

"You're so manly! Teach me your ways!"

Katsuki was now pinning a lethal glare at the brunette, seemingly finding his rival. Sero, finding the gaze, grew nervous and prayed for the person he stared at.

"W-we should sit", Izuku saved Henri from a possible freakout the two knows would come if this goes on longer. "The teacher's probably going to be here soon."

"Shoot, you're right!"

Ochako and Eijirou introduced themselves, to which the brunette replied to just as cheerfully and scrambled to find a seat.

Just then, Henri spotted a familiar Half-White Half-Red hair and gasps. "Shouto! Hello!"

Absolute silence came. The teen, Shouto, turned to him and Momo swore she saw his lips quirk a bit into a smile. "Hello, Henri."

Izuku and Nagisa gasped, too, and whispered to their best friend. "Is he the one who you first made friends with before us before he suddenly disappeared years ago?"

Henri grinned and nodded before turning back to Shouto. "We should catch up later, Shouto! I need to find a seat first--"

In a split second, Shouto pointed to the seat  near him, just behind the teen with the birdhead's place. The trio blinked in surprise.

Henri immediately found his wits and grinned. "Thanks, Shouto!"

"You're welcome, Henri."

Then the half-German plopped on that specific seat. Izuku nervously giggled and sat beside the brunette. "Guess I'll sit here, then."

Nagisa sat beside the greenette and next to a floating uniform. "We're not separating, okay?"

The two nodded.

Rikido, curious, turned to Shouto and gave a small smile. "Shouto Todoroki, right? I'm Rikido Sato! Nice to meet you!"

The teen just gave him an uninterested stare before turning and ignoring him. Rikido's smile disappeared.

Meanwhile, Henri watched Shouto as he did the action. He used to be more open than that when we were friends...

What happened?

Suddenly, the door opened and a demented caterpillar crawled in. Everyone watched in morbid fascination when the caterpillar propped itself behind the teacher's desk...

...and is revealed to be just a person in a yellow sleeping bag. They all blanched.

He seems to be a slender and tall man with messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of his face and half-opened black eyes, like he just rolled out of bed (which he did).

"It took you eight seconds for you to calm down", the man stabbed the words to them like knives to their backs. "In a Villain Fight, that would cost at least half of your lives. You need to fasten up your reaction time."

Nagisa accidentally turned some locks of his hair into snakes out of fear. He quickly tried to hide it.

"I am your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shiota", the teacher introduced himself, then brought out a PE uniform. "Go to your lockers and change into these, then go outside. We will have a test."

The class atmosphere was tense. Even Henri's comfort aura™ seemed to dim a bit.

Izuku tried to face this positively. Okay, it's only just a test. What's the worst that could happen?


"Anyone who comes in the test last will immediately be expelled."

"EEHHH!??", the whole class shrieked.

Izuku almost fell face first into the dirt if Henri and Nagisa hadn't caught him.

Nevertheless...he fainted.

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