Chapter 23: A Winter's Ball

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"Hey, Shouto?", Henri gently tapped on the heterochromatic teen's shoulder. "Is everything alright?"

Shouto sent a one last glare on his father's back before turning to his friend and tried to smile. "I think so."

He turned and noticed Momo staring at him, her ears tinged red.

Shouto felt a small blush form on his cheeks, too, and tried to bury it. "We should get into position now."

Momo coughed and composed herself. "Y-yes, we should."

Tenya was practically vibrating so much, he seemed like a phone with an incoming call. "Yes, everyone! Who will be the horseman of our group!?"

Henri sweatdropped at the mental image his brain gave him and looked at Izuku and Nagisa's teams worriedly. Good luck to all of us...


"Now, the cavalry battle starts...", Present Mic yelled. "NOW!"

Izuku looked to see all of the teams running towards him as he wore his bandanas around his neck and tied them together. He noticed that the closest team consisting of a couple Class 1-B students. S-so many!

Before Izuku’s team could even move, they felt the ground soften underneath them, keeping them in place. He instantly activated Hatsume's jet packs and their group was instantly up in the air.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw earphone jacks stretching out towards them swiftly. The greenette immediately lifted his arm up and aimed at the earphone jacks. He focused power into his fingers and flicked them using Full Cowl, sending a strong wind force attack that propelled Jirou’s earphone jacks back forcefully.

"Dang it!", Jirou grit her teeth. Koda let out a small sigh. "We should find another target, Jirou."

"Ugh, I guess you're right--", before the earphone jack quirk user could finish her sentence, her two bandanas were quickly taken by a flying maniac. "Wh--Bakugou!"

Meanwhile, as they got to the other side of the field, Izuku’s team landed safely using the hover boots that Hatsume and Ochako wore, kicking up clouds of dust as they did.

"Wow! These babies are amazing, Hatsume!", Izuku exclaimed as they landed.

Hitoshi let out a snicker. Oh my god...

"Right, aren't they?", Hatsume cheerfully replied.

"It's because I'm the one making them float...", Ochako muttered under her breath.

Hearing that, Hitoshi almost laughed. Oh my god! Do you realize how deep you dug your grave, Midoriya!?

The greenette saw two teams coming towards them, one what looked like only Shoji and the other was same class B team that attacked them in the beginning.

"W-we need to keep moving!", Izuku called out, panicked.

"Aye, aye, captain", Shinsou mocked a salute to him and glanced at Hatsume and Ochako. "You heard him! Let's go!"

Ochako nodded and attempted to lift her foot up but felt something on her boot that kept her from moving. "What...?"

"What's wrong?", Izuku asked worriedly, as he kept watch on the teams coming towards them.

"I'm stuck!", Ochako desperately yelled.

Shinsou gaped at her. "Stuck? How stuck!?"

"Super stuck!", the Zero Gravity quirk user frustratingly tried to move her foot away, but it was stuck there for good. "It's like super glue getting stuck on my boot!"

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