Chapter 56: Cor Destructum (Part 1)

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"Well, this is bad", Kyoko winced, before turning to Sayaka with a raised eyebrow. "How did you know this was going on?"

"Because unlike you, who died by your soul gem exploding", Sayaka rolled her eyes as she made Henri lie on the makeshift bed in Homura's room and making his soul gem float towards the incubator seal Homura created. "I actually turned into a witch before Madoka saved me, so I know what it's like."

"Excuse me?! I willed my soul gem to explode because I didn't want you to be dying all alone, you oaf!"

"Didn't really help anybody, did it?"

"Girls!", Mami held both Kyoko and Sayaka back before they could launch in another argument that they often do. "I'm sure that both of you will be wonderful at tearing each other apart, but please remember that we have something more important going on here!"

Sayaka took a glance at the brunette before wincing. "Right. Sorry, Mami."

Izuku hesitantly entered the room with Madoka and got overwhelmed at the security camera footage screens roaming around the room above the bed and furniture. A few Clara Dolls were seen playing around with a ball, before the dolls' gazes turned to him and the goddess beside him.

"Sorry if the room is making you uncomfortable", Homura casually popped up beside the two of them. Izuku jumped, startled, as she continued. "I have the tendency to watch over--"

"Stalk", Sayaka coughed.

"Watch over everyone and make sure nothing happens to them", Homura gave the blue-haired heroine a scathing glare. "It's just a habit of mine before I despaired, became a witch, and eventually, became a goddess."

Izuku stared at Homura in awe. "You turned into a witch first before you became a goddess?"

"What can I say?", The black-haired heroine shrugged. "Madoka helped me break free from my witch mentality."

"W-witch mentality?"

"It's basically the way a witch thinks", Madoka explained. "We humans, in general, are complex creatures. We love, we hate, we hurt, we's just how we function. However, when a Magi becomes a witch, all the things that made them human is immediately stripped away from them. The only things they could remember are the things that made them despair in the first place."

"It's basically the ultimate moment when your sanity breaks completely", Mami offered cupcakes to the greenette. "You won't remember who you were anymore. Only the things that brought you to this state."

"It's never fun, if you're curious", Sayaka shivered. "I mean, in my experience, remembering Kyousuke while I became a monster was the worst. Forced to drown in my regret and heartbreak..."

"Until I saved your butt and we both got taken by Madoka to the Law of Cycles!", Kyoko smugly grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. One day, you'll drown in your own ego at that rate."

Izuku bit his lip and looked down in regret. Was that what happened to Nagi when he became a witch?

"Okay, let's see here", Madoka neared the soul gem in the incubator seal and observed it. Her eyes widened. "Oh dear. This is certainly strange and worrisome."

Izuku jolted in alarm. "What?"

"I told you guys", Sayaka pointed out. "It's his soul gem."

Homura went over to check Henri's soul gem herself, and frowned. "It really is strange. At the amount of despair and hate his soul gem is currently containing, he should've been a witch before the sun even rose!"

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