Chapter 70: Nightmares

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To tell the truth, Tokoyami was hoping that they would have a peaceful summer for once.

Or, at least, as peaceful as being heroes-in-training could get.

Boy, was he wrong.

Then again, this is usually how their luck goes. Funny how the universe works, right?

Well, at least he had that mirror that can turn into a sword made of light with him. That might keep them alive while they try to figure out this shadow travel boots.

The shadows, disturbingly like Dark Shadow except with varying shapes and sizes, started closing in on him and Shoji.

He managed to cut through another shadow coming to him, before Shoji snagged him by the waist and started to run away. "Any time now, Tokoyami!"

Tokoyami grunted, turned the sword back into a mirror, and tried to reach for the shoes--

A shadow that very much looks like a lion suddenly appeared before them, roared, and opened it's jaw to eat their heads.

The two of them screamed, with Tokoyami clinging onto Shoji tighter, and Shoji tightening his hold onto Tokoyami.

It was then that the shoes chose that moment to activate, and they instantly dissolved beneath the shadow of the creature.

Irony at it's finest, he was sure.

Tokoyami couldn't exactly describe what it felt like to shadow travel. Only that it was dark.

And cold.

It was like they were scuba-diving, except there was nothing to see except gloom and the sound of wailing. They couldn't comprehend anything else as they came sprawling out on the other side, and they both decided that it was better for their health not to.

After all, the wailing voices begged them to give in and be swallowed by the darkness. How creepy is that, right?

Shoji seemed to think so. He slowly rose up along with Tokoyami...

And they both gaped at the smoky-like mist that enveloped the whole camp. The two of them were standing just a meter before it, but the whole thing deeply unsettled them.

"Fumikage! Mezo!", they heard Mandalay's voice.

The two turned to see the heroine and Tenya running towards them. Tokoyami's eyebrows furrowed. "What happened? Shouldn't Izuku be with you?"

"We don't know, either", Tenya frowned as Mandalay started to look over the smoke for any sign of movement inside. "And Izuku ran off to check on Kouta. He said he might know where he is."

Tokoyami nodded dutifully, before turning to the smoke. "So, what do we do?"

Before Mandalay could respond, they heard coughing behind them. They all turned to see Aizawa hacking his lungs out in the bushes. His scarves were nowhere to be found.

"Aizawa-sensei!", Tokoyami, Tenya and Shoji ran over to him and helped him calm down. Once he did, he gently made him slide to the floor as Tenya asked. "Sensei, what happened? Where's your scarves?"

Aizawa coughed weakly. "We...we didn't expect this. All of this."

Mandalay came over to him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He gave her a grateful nod, before forcing himself to speak. "The mob of birds...they were a trap. As soon as Yaoyorozou finished putting all of them in a huge cage when they dropped on us, they all exploded into a shockwave that caused this...this mist. There was also a spell that was unleashed on everyone...!"

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