Chapter 63: The Final Exams (Part 3)

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At the monitoring room, the class and Recovery Girl gasped out at Izuku's words and their actions.

"Got killed? What did he mean by that?", Jirou blinked rapidly. "Bakugou's alive, isn't he?"

Tsuyu hummed. "Is it a metaphor, perhaps, ribbit?"

"Or maybe symbolism?", Tooru suggested.

"Maybe", Denki shrugged. "Symbolism for the Bakubro that used to be his friend."

Eijirou scratched the back of his head and sweatdropped. "That's kind of depressing, if you think about it."

Majority nodded along.

Henri and Nagisa exchanged tense, worried looks. They were the only ones Izuku shared his dreams with, and knows what he's referring to.

Adette stared in utter shock. Does Izuku...remember the past timelines!?

Suddenly, they all saw the pair blown away off their feet. They all screamed.


The only warning he got was the creak and crack of metal against metal and rubble hitting the asphalt, before an insanely powerful gush of wind crashes over Katsuki and Izuku.

It throws the greenette off his feet, with dirt and dust getting in his eyes.

Katsuki let out a strangled shout, caught up in it as well, and both of them hit the ground before rolling and tumbling.

Guardrails uproot themselves from the sidewalks, while chunks of buildings flies through the air.

It ends as quickly as it began, leaving the street torn and decimated beyond repair.

Katsuki pushes himself up on his hands and knees, coughing. A little ways across from him, Izuku does the same.

"Who gives a **** about the city?", a familiar yet somehow terrifying voice booms down the street, and the explosive blonde raises his head as All Might walked towards them.

"I'm a villain, heroes", All Might declared. However, there's something very different and very dark about his tone that actually sent chills down the blonde's spine. "I'm the one you should be fighting, don't you think?"

Katsuki stared at the self-declared villain for a while, before quickly shifting to battle stance while quickly changing into his Magical Boy form.

"Kacchan, come on!", Izuku hopped to his feet. "We can't fight him head-on! We have to regroup--!"

"Don't tell me what to do, Deku!", Katsuki roared as he ran towards All Might. "I don’t want your ******* help, so just get out of the way!"

'Y-you're kidding me, aren't you!?", Izuku demanded. "There's no way you can--!"

Katsuki pulls back his fist and fires off a blast at All Might’s face, before he summons his staff, wills blades to grow on it from both ends, and poised it directly at the hero's head. I can do this! Die!

Of course, Izuku grinded his teeth in frustration. Of course he goes for it anyway. Of course he does.

However, All Might grabs Katsuki by the face as he was about to sink the bladed staff, and then, without wasting another second, the hero slams him into the ground.

"You know", All Might straightening up while maintaining his rather almost evil grin. Katsuki groaned as he struggled to move. "When you cover a person's face, their initial reaction is to move your hand, but you kept firing off those blasts anyway. Even though it only stung a bit..."

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