Chapter 78: Dance In The Dark

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Shinsou was this close to just abandoning the mission he decided to come with, just to get away from this place.

Of course, when they said that it was the entrance to the land of the dead, they meant the literal land of the dead.

The tunnel shuddered when they all entered. Cracks spread across the ceiling. Just then, it stopped. The dust settled afterwards.

Looking down, they all saw a set of stairs curved deeper into the earth, with the barrelled ceiling held up by repeating arches close together and carved from polished black stone.

It was honestly like they were looking into an endlessly reflecting mirror. Painted on the walls were crude pictures of black cattle marching downwards, too.

"Woah", Eijirou was honestly getting dizzy just looking at it. "This is..."

Henri felt something weird, like something was pulling him forward. Since he didn't know what this was, he tried to resist it.

However, it just grew stronger the more he opposed, and against his will, his feet moved forward.

Adette noticed the action and her eyebrows furrowed when she saw Henri going ahead of them and down the stairs. "Henri?"

"I-it's not me!", Henri cried out to them. "M-my's moving on it's own...!"

To prove his point, he visibly leaned backward to make himself fall over, only for his body to hover in midair, before he seemed to be pulled upward again. He gasped for breath, before turning back to his friends. "S-see?"

Jirou was very much creeped out by this. "It's like invisible puppet strings suddenly attached themselves on him..."

Nevertheless, they decided to follow him.

In no time, they all felt completely lost. Especially since the stairs split in three different directions when they seemed to reach the end of them.

Henri automatically chose a path, to which they followed, only to discover that the stairs split again.

They wound their way through interconnecting tunnels and jerry-built burial chambers that all looked the same, and the walls were visibly carved with dusty niches that might once
have held bodies.

The arches over the doors were painted with black cows, white poplar trees and owls that were barely seen with the few torches lighting their way, too.

Izuku found everything scary, but his worry for his friend outweighed his fear. So, the greenette forced himself to Henri's side and gave him a reassuring smile. "Hey, Hiccup."

The brunette looked at him, before smiling. "Hi, Izu."

" okay?"

Henri sweatdropped, before faintly gesturing to his feet. "Well, I'm...getting used to my movements getting controlled, but it's honestly getting annoying."

Izuku looked down ruefully. "S...sorry."

The brunette giggled. "What are you saying sorry for?"

Izuku didn't answer, which made Henri worry. "Izu?"

The greenette look a deep breath, before awkwardly smiling. "I...know how hard it was for you, getting your will robbed away like that back in camp."

Henri's smile disappeared, and he looked down regretfully. Of course, Izu would be worried because of that...

"Don't worry about it!", Henri smiled again while gently waving his hand. His feet still kept moving against his will, though, but that's not important. "I can still talk to you like this, see? So it doesn't really matter."

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