Chapter 95: Ignite

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If this was purgatory, or even hell, Adette figured she probably deserved it.

That would explain why it literally hurt so much. She felt like roadkill. She couldn't move, see or hear anything.

She could only feel pain.

She thought this might be her eternal punishment, after all; for letting innocent people suffer over and over again just for a selfish wish.

Then, a spark ignited inside her, setting her heart aflame and restarted her life.

Adette gasped. Her eyes flew open.

With a start, she realized that she was flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling of a familiar unstable building; probably the one where she saw Henri for the last time in the first timeline.

Speaking of which...

"Thank goodness", Henri leaned over her, his hand cool on her forehead. His leaf-shaped soul gem was intact, and he seemed completely fine aside from a few scratches, bruises and tears on his Magical Boy outfit.

That's good, at least.

But what the **** just happened?

Adette forced herself to sit up despite the brunette's protests, and took the opportunity to look around.

Lots of relatively bruised comrades crowded around, with no casualties yet, at least for her. Magical Boys and Girls ran about, encouraging and/or healing them.

She saw Ochako and Nagisa having a serious conversation near All Might's unconscious form, a meter away from them.

The Symbol of Peace seemed to be a husk of himself now, like a deflated balloon, but could still be recognized with his hair and outfit.

At the far back, Shouto and Katsuki stood together. What's weird is that both of them seemed to be on the verge of tears, and their expression seemed to show relief and worry.

Then, she saw a couple of heroes being bandaged up, most likely Katsuki's doing.

A greenette wearing a hoodie with two big stripes at the bottom, simple white pants and red sneakers, gloves with emblems of suns on the back of his hands, and a sun-shaped Jade Green gem walked by--

Adette's eyes bulged. She knows that gem; it's the very same gem she tried so hard to prevent becoming reality since several timelines ago.

Before she could stop herself, she rose up and pointed an accusing finger at Izuku. "Izuku-kun, what the hell!?"

The greenette, Izuku turned to her, before giving her a sad smile. "Sorry, Adette-chan..."

She was about to launch into a rage-filled rant, getting up to march over to him and whack him upside the head--

"Adette, stop!"

A small weight jumped at her and pinned her down. Adette growled, trying to break herself free, line of sight still fixated on Izuku. "Let me go! I--"

Warm water droplets fell on her cheeks. That made her stop.

Slowly, Adette looked up and faced the one restraining her.

"Adette, I...I know...", tears fell from Henri's eyes, his body trembling. "Izuku made a wish and became a Magical Boy. It's possibly one of the worst-case scenarios, but..."

His grip on her wrists went tighter. It started to hurt, but Adette could barely feel that compared to the ache appearing in her own heart.

"But, Adette...most of the people here died, you know", Henri sniffed, letting out a broken giggle. " possibly you, too."

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