Chapter 79: Little Do You Know

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Shouto figured that there'll at least be one good thing in the trials they'll face, like meeting a deceased beloved friend or something.

He was wrong.

The second they all settled down and started to head in further, the whole place decided to cut them all in half.


The only warning they got was a whir of metal, and a loud snap, before Henri screamed. "RUN!"

The heterochromatic teen froze, as did some of them, but when Henri forcibly pulled Mina and Nagisa by their arms, they knew it was serious.

After all, he was never one to initiate physical contact so suddenly.

So, sure enough, they started to book it just as they heard the swish of a sharp object go by the places they were in moments ago. Then, a harsh thud.

Shouto forced himself to look back while maintaining his speed, and was horrified to discover that a huge upside down sharp scythe was now embedded in the wall where he heard that blow.

"WHAT THE ****!", Katsuki roared when he saw it, too.

Several whirs of metal were heard around them. The brunette urged desperately. "Everyone, don't stop! Keep running!"

So, there they were, narrowly avoiding these rapidly spinning giant pizza cutters from cutting their heads off while they aim at the doorway near the end of the path.

Tenya decided to use his engine quirk, scooped Izuku and Jirou in his arms, and shot off. Shouto decided to use his example and generated ice for them to slide on to so that they could get there faster.

Sure enough, everyone got inside the doorway in a few short moments. Well, except for one.

Apparently, Adette's hair got stuck in a crevice in the ground when she stumbled and fell. "Augh!"

Henri stopped, before hurriedly going to her side and trying to help her get her hair off just as another whir of metal sounded directly above them. Everyone else screamed in horror.

They really wanted to help, but they knew that it would only be a hindrance if they do that. That's what hero training taught them, after all.

The brunette winced when they couldn't pull it off, before turning to Adette, showing a dagger to her and gave her a desperate look.

The blonde looked at him, before nodding determinedly. It's better if I lose some of my hair than die and drag him down with me...!

Fortunately, the brunette only cut off her hairtie, which loosened her hair enough that they can pull it off now. Shortly after, Henri pushed Adette with him inside the doorway just as the scythe came down.

They both landed on the floor inside when the weapon embedded itself on the stone floor just outside the door. It caused huge boulders to fall over and fill up the doorway.

The whole place violently shook, making them all hold their breath.

Fortunately, the shaking stopped a moment later. They all breathed a sigh of relief.

Adette frantically tried to braid her hair again while holding another hairtie as she turned to look at the brunette who saved her. "Henri, h--"

She let go of her hair in utter shock.

Nagisa sucked in a breath, before going to try and touch his best friend's shoulder. "Hic, your hair..."

"Eh...?", the brunette noticed that his head felt lighter, and when he put his hands against the ends of his hair, he felt that the edges were shorter and more ragged than usual now, like he had tied his hair up clumsily. "M-my hair...?"

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