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Sunlight entered the room and gently lit up the place. A certain greenette slowly stirred, blinking his eyes open...

Only to meet eyes with a giant clown worm with pointy teeth. "Good morning, Lime Cake!"


"Test number...193...", a green-eyed brunette yawned, typing on his tablet for a bit, before pressing enter. "Start."

The screen cut off for a bit, before it opened like a camera taking a picture with a flash.

A mini person with Chestnut Brown hair and playful Tea Green eyes appeared as the background screen returned to the default screen. "Good morning. My name is Überbrücken, here to help you with anything you need."

The brunette's eyes widened. Then, a large smile crossed his features, before whooping so hard, he fell on the floor. "Yes! Success!"

The AI on the screen, Überbrücken, tilted his head in confusion.

Toothless just casually nodded. Yes, yes, you're amazing. Can we have breakfast now? I want to eat fish.

Schwartz nodded along. Henri turned to them, before grinning. "Of course!"

Then, he looked out the open window in his bedroom. His eyebrows furrowed. "I wonder where Bebe went, though...?"

Could it be that she was with the other witches? Possible, but Charlotte only ever wanted cheese, and it's unreasonable for her to just...leave a source of it.

Maybe she's actually part of the Holy Quintet squad, since it was pretty clear before that she's very close to the group, and went with them back to the Law of Cycles? Ah, but if she did that, she should've joined them a while ago, the second they left.

So...where could she be?

The Night Fury, still notebook-sized, flew on top of Henri's head. Don't worry. Bebe's fine. Maybe she went to Izuku or Nagisa or something.

Henri sighed, smiling apologetically. "Yeah, I guess you're right. What do you want to have today, Toothless?"

The dragon hummed. Überbrücken perked up. "If I may, I have a recommendation for that."

Then, the AI proceeded to show a full, five-page menu of assortment fish meals, from tuna to cod. Now, it was Toothless' turn to ogle. Um. Wow.

Henri gave a huge smile at the AI. "Thank you, Überbrücken. You're a lifesaver."

The AI smiled back.

The dragon picked the raw cod with a mix of honey and a dash of salt. Schwartz just chose randomly, and ended up with regular tuna with a hint of lemon.

Henri took those orders and opened the door--

He froze. The Auburn Red haired man in front of him, Teiji stared back awkwardly, outstretched hand frozen in place, most likely intent to open the door before the teen did.

"D-dad...!", Henri was overjoyed to see that his dad came back from his business trip. He didn't know what to do, though. "You're here!"

"Yes, I...", Teiji scratched his cheek. "I am. I just came to check on you."

"Oh...", maybe there's a new project he'd have to do now? "I'm fine, dad! Is there anything I could do for you?"

Behind them, Überbrücken stared suspiciously at the adult. So did Toothless and Schwartz.

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