Prologue (Rewritten)

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"Jeeto Pakistan!"

"Give me the remote."

"Can't you see! I'm watching TV." I snatched the remote back from his hand. He snatched it again.

"You were watching TV. Now I'm watching it." I stood up and went in front of him. Suddenly regretting the movement as Cold wind hit me from nowhere.

"Danial give me Remote." I said slowly.

"I'm not giving it to you." He said more calmly. My blood boiled, I was about launch at him with my Long long nails but then he walked in.

"Where is the remote?" He asked sitting on the couch. He was wearing blue jeans and a grey hoodie. I could say only one thing.


His browny eyes met mine. He raised his eyebrows.


I pointed my index finger toward Danial, his face turned toward him. Danial groaned before handing him remote.

"It was going to happen. I knew it, only Hashir!" He muttered, going out of TV lounge.

Hashir looked at me questioningly, "What did he mean?"

My mouth moved for a few moments before I finally muttered out, "I, I don't know."

Then I went out with a huge smile on my face and my heart racing so fast as if I was running a marathon.

God knows what did this guy do to make me fall for him so hard!


Long dark brown hair.
Chocolate brown eyes.
Dull face.
Dry lips.
And a very shitty personality.

He could never like me!

I set my scarf on my College's Uniform. Then wore a dark blue jacket. Picking up my bag, I went downstairs.

"Asalamoalaikum." I greeted Everyone and they replied with 'Walaikum Asalam'.

Dad was always early out and my Uncle also used to go jogging in morning. So it was only mama, Auntie, Mariah, Danial, Fakhar and Me.

And Hashir too.

Okay, it's not only.

He was buttering his slice, he took bite of it. He was wearing a black coat.

Man, he looked hot.

"Did you prepare your test?" Then my bag dropped.

Not because of his voice. But because...
"I forgot!" I slapped my forehead literally really hard.

"Kingdom plantae,.... Bryophytes. Hash what's Bryophytes?" He opened his mouth but I cut him off.

"Nevermind. I don't have time to prepare for it now." I slammed the book close.

Thinking for a moment, I opened the book again. Shaking my head, "No. I can't fail the test."

I slapped my head, "What the hell was I doing last night!"

"Watching Lux Style Awards! Where Atif Aslam sung two to three of his songs that made the audience go crazy plus you." Danial casually walked in his Asian attire that was maroon Shalwar and Kurta.

I dumbly stared him, "But I don't remember any of it."

"Because last night during Atif's performance. You had lost it." He pointed to his head.

My mouth remained open as I thought before yelling, "I remember very correctly! Last night was no Award ceremony."

"Then you were probably fighting with Fakhar." Hashir said.

I had forgotten about him.

"What happening to her?" Danial asked Hashir. When I finally woke up and started revising.

Bryophytes are also known as plant amphibians because their reproduction only -

"She's getting fits."

"What!" My head snapped up at Hashir. He shrugged.

"What? That's what you always say. He's getting fits. She's getting fits. Your also getting fits right now."

I stared at him before going back to my book.

Later that day when I stepped out of my campus, I could see Hashir at distance. Girls were already gawking at him as if he was Imran Abbas.

At my sight, his eyebrows quirked up. He smiled and waved at me. His smile wasn't reaching his eyes.

Something was up with him.

He looked lost and confused. I could hear that beautiful song playing in background.

Esa dekha nahi khubsoorat koi.
(I've never someone beautiful than him)

Afreen! Afreen!
( Praise to his creator!)

"Hareem!" The music stopped and I was welcomed to real life.

Where I was standing in front of Hashir. This life was so much better.

"How was your test?" He asked, concerned.

I remembered I had a test. I seemed to forget everything when I was around him.

"Oh, test. It went awesome. I forgot that I already had memorized that chapter." I chuckled sheepishly.

When he didn't say anything. I stopped laughing and turned to look at him but he was already looking at me.

Is there something wrong with my face?

But his expression is not comical, it means nothing's funny on my face.

But then why he's staring me?

I couldn't help but smile shyly. I cleared my throat that pulled him out of his trance.

"I, I w-wanna tell you something." He said.

He stuttered?

"Sure, what is it?" I asked acting calmly. But inside, I was freaking out.

What was he gonna tell me!

"Not here, C'mon. I've to take you somewhere." He held my hand. I was dazed by his mini-act.

He was pulling me along with him and I stared at my hand in his.

A Huge grin crept upon my face and I lifted my face to look at him. I got to know that he had stopped. I looked around my surroundings, everything around me was empty and silent. We were standing in a garden. But much to my surprise, this garden had no one.

"Hareem." My heart raced as he breathed out my name.

It sounded so perfect when it came out of his mouth.

He held my hand. My eyes that were looking at him fell down to look at that small hand intermingled in large manly, soft, caring fingers.

He used one of his hand to left up my face. My had turned glossy, I didn't know why.

"I love you."

My heart stopped.

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