Chapter no. 32

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I walked upstairs, to go to my room but it was locked. I looked around to see if there was someone. I saw Aliyan sitting on the sofa, texting someone on his phone.

"Oyi," I called out, "Where's the key to my lock?" I asked when he nodded his head, still texting on his phone.

"Probably, Hashir has it." He said.

"Okay." I said casually.

"And where he is?" I asked him, he looked up to see my expression, I raised my eyebrows.

"Is there something on my face?" I slowly asked.

"There's nothing at your face." He stated.

I begin to advance toward him and sat next to him.
"Then what's the problem?"

He bobbed his head a little, thoughtfully and slowly told.
"That's the problem that there's nothing on your face."

Then he ducked his head to ask further.
"Do you get me?"

Of course, why wouldn't I?

"No." I lied and got up to go to Hashir's room.

As I entered his room, I saw that he was lying on his bed whilst holding his head. His journal, I had seen five years ago was sitting next to him.
He must have felt my presence. He slowly raised his head up his pace fastened as he saw it was me.

Or perhaps, it was my imagination.

"You've come?" He asked.

He looked pale than usual, his eyes were red and puffy and he had weakened a bit.

It won't be a sin if I say that he still managed to look hot. Would it be?

"I want my room keys back." I said.

"Oh." He got up and made his way toward his cupboard, he pulled out a drawer which was messy, a lot.

A few things fell down, he didn't notice it first but when he did. He picked it up nervously and anxiously and then looked at me if I saw or not.

But I had eyes, I saw what that was.

But I didn't read the name, so j couldn't tell what were they for!

He handed me the keys and I made my way out.


"So you're saying you spent five years if your life their and you didn't even fell in love?" Tania asked, her voice raised with Wonder.

"Nope." I said.

"You did not even have a tiny crush?" She asked, this time in a low voice.


Her hands fell to her sides as she uttered in disbelief.

"It's not that big deal." I told her.

Then she must have remembered something, she suddenly perked up.

"Thank God, you didn't like someone." She said.


"Because then Hashir's Chances would be null." She said.

I immediately was left confused.

She never liked Hashir, then why was she worried for Hashir?

"Why do you care?"

"Because I care for you." She pinched my cheeks and continued.
"And, I want someone best for your fate. Someone who deserves you truly."

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Hashir doesn't deserve me."

But then I corrected myself.
"Hashir doesn't even want to be with me."

Tania's face fell as she knew something I didn't.


"Beta, Can you please go and call Hashir and Ali?" I nodded to my aunt.

It had been a week since I came back. Since, then I had been getting so many marriage proposal which I really didn't need.

But I was thankful to my parents that they rejected the proposal as it came.

I was walking toward Hashir's room when I heard something.

"What do you mean you want more money?" I heard Aliyan speaking.

His voice was filled with worry.

"I think my condition is again crumbling." The voice belonged to Hashir.

"How do you feel?"

"Just, nausea, fatigue and head-" I cut him off.

"What are you guys talking about?"

I was way too stupid to do so. I should have had waited to let him finish whatever he was saying.

"I-i, we." Hashir's tongue stumbled over words as he couldn't make out a simple Sentence.

Aliyan spoke on his behalf.
"Actually, he has fever so that's we were talking about."

He then looked at Hashir with a I got it face.

"But Why do you need money for a small fever? You should have asked Uncle for that?" I asked, feeling curiosity rising in me.

"Oh money! He actually has borrowed some amount from someone and now he has to return it so he's asking for money." Aliyan again covered up.

"Okay." I didn't believe a single word he said.

___________________________________________________________________ what is Hashir upto?? Do you guys have any idea??

Hashir; I dunno why I'm acting so suspicious.*guarded tone* What are going to do?

Dua; nothing pal. Just relax.

*Chuckles nervously when Hashir narrows eye* So Don't forget to vote and comment down your thoughts. What should be changed in there????

Allah Hafiz;*

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