Chapter no. 40

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"There's very serious case of accident. The patient has lost much of his blood. He also needs a surgery, I guess."

My heart sank at her words. Whose family member was in so Critical situation. I pitied them.

"What's the name of patient? Did you collect any information about him?"

"Yes, his name is umm...Wait a minute." I heard shuffling from the other side of line.

"Yeah, His name is Hashir Farooq. 23 years old—"

Hashir. Hashir. Hashir. Hashir Farooq!

Fuck, it's him.

The phone was dropped from my hand, I got up instantly making everyone gasp. I moved my head to search for a familiar face.

"Aliyan. Come with me." I literally ran up to him.

"Hareem. What's wrong?"

I stopped.
"I-I. There's a patient,...needs an accident."
I couldn't make out a sentence but they understood.

"It's okay. There are other doctors as well. Come, sit." My mom said.

"No, other doctors are not there. They're in some conference— Aliyan come with me." My hand was grabbed by him.

"Hareem. You've to get Married to Arsal first. Finish the Nikaah, then we'll go."

I jerked my arm away from him, "No!"

"Hareem, it's good to be professional but you can't leave your own life aside for the sake of your Duty."

"You are not understanding!" I yelled.

I looked up at Ali, and whispered, "They aren't understanding." He nodded his head.

He soothed my hairs, and wiped away my tears making realize that I was crying.

"Tell me What's wrong." He whispered back.

I opened my mouth several times but nothing came out. I cleared my mouth, tried to speak but a sob escaped soon followed by loud cries.

"It's Hashir." I cried more at his name. Then I felt him went stiff, I looked up to him, seeing his eyes wide and mouth parted. 

Not even a second passed, when he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hall.

He was running ahead as if his life depended on it and I ran after him.

"Pass the keys."

I looked around, "I-i don't have it."

"Fuck Hareem! Why didn't you keep the keys with you." I ran inside in my long Lehnga. My heels made me stumble a bit, I pulled away my dupatta and took off heels. I ran with bare feet.

As I ran in, everyone was shocked to see my state, of course, they didn't know why did I run away. Only Ali knew.


"Keys, where are the keys of my car." I cut off Uncle.

Tania threw the keys at me and I ran out again.

I threw the keys at Ali and got in.

I pulled my White coat from back seat and wore it quickly.

"I can't lose him. I can't lose him. He won't leave me." I kept on muttering.

Flashbacks came in my front of my eyes as I cried silently.

I remembered him covering up for me whenever I had gotten Bad grades. I remembered him happily eating my spaghetti and pasta when everyone else didn't eat. I remembered him apologizing to me even it was not his mistake. I remembered him holding my hand in crowd. I remembered him making me laugh in my nervous state.

I remembered myself shouting at him whenever I was angry, snapping at him whenever I was nervous, avoiding him whenever he needed someone to stand up for him. I remembered all those years I was in Lahore, he contacted me and I told him not to contact me. I treated him like a stranger when I returned.

Out of nowhere I started crying loudly.

"Hareem, What happened!"

"Ali, I don't want to lose him." I buried my face in my hands.

"We won't lose him. We lose him." He tried to soothe me.

He was convincing us both, he was himself in a hard state. We all had been together since we didn't even know ourselves. We knew one another's name, before we could know ours.

"Fuck!" He yelled making me flinch.

"I guess the engine got heated up." My heart squeezed harshly.

"We can't wait for the car to get in right state. We have to run." I looked out to see where we had reached.

We had covered half distance. I got out, and Ali did the same.

We both ran on the busy roads of City, people turned around to watch us. Of course, they'd never seen a bride in her devasted state running on the road.

I knew it.

From the very first time, when I was getting ready for Nikaah that something wrong was going was to happen.

But there was something else, my heart wanted to let me know every time it clenched. I couldn't comprehend what.

I just hoped that I see his beautiful brown eyes again, I hear his melodic laughter again. I hoped that I see his breathtaking smile again.

You can't leave me, Hashir.

You can't leave me.


I am sorry? *Slowly peaks our from curtain*

He's not dead yet, guys. Stop being so rude on me! *Yells as reader came out with Rifles*

Rifle sounds dramatic, doesn't it?

Last chapter pending and then epilogue. Yay!!!!

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