Chapter no. 29

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Hashir's in accident?

I remembered bilal saying he had a lot of blood and could collapse into coma.

At that single moment, I regretted my three years. I regretted saying him not to contact me. I regretted everything, coming to Lahore.

He didn't want me to come here. Then why did I even come!

Above of all, I regretted what I just had heard. I shouldn't have had heard that.

Why are you regretting when you believe it's not true.

I shook my head.
"Yeah, it's not truth. I don't believe it. It's not true. It's not true." I kept on mumbling to myself.

I was still looking at them, when Arsh's gaze met mine.

"Guys." He said, attracting everyone toward him. They all looked at him then followed his gaze. Their faces lost Color when they saw me standing there.

Sarah came forward and I stepped back.

"You're lying." I whispered enough for them to hear.

She took another step forward, I took four stepped back.

"It can't be true. It can't be." I stumbled as my moving legs were stopped by a chair placed in the way.

I was about to fall, when I felt hands holding my arms.

My shaking body came in contact with a warmer one. I looked up with teary eyes to see Arsal standing by me looking at me.

I pointed toward Sarah and others with my trembling fingers and said in a shaky voice.
"They're lying."

He nodded his head up and down slowly, peeking at them from his corner of eye.

"I know, I know they're lying. But what's wrong?" He asked with unsure voice.

"No!" I jerked away from him.

"You're lying too. You are believing them. Aren't you? They're all lying. I know you are lying!" I yelled.

They looked at me with worries etched on their faces.


I pointed my finger at Tabrez  

I took my phone and started finding Hashir's number with my shaking hands.
A boy dashed past me, making my phone fall far away from me.

I ran to it and picked up, the few scratches on my phone's screen didn't stop me from dialling his number. Just when I was about to put it on my ear, another kid ran past me. This time my phone collapsed with pillar. My phone's screen shattered.

Then I did the most stupid thing.

I ran.

I ran out of the hall, people looked at me with different glances.

I kept on running in the dark, turning into one street and then other, then another.

My legs were triggered by the emotions. They didn't even hurt as I ran.

I stopped still, when a voice called out from behind.

"Running like this won't take you to him." I cried as I felt how much true his words.

I kept on crying, until I felt his presence right next to me. I fall into his arms, and cried my heart out.

My heart ached, My eyes burned, my throat was as dry as sand paper. All my energy was consumed yet I still cried. I went silently, I cried as loud as I could.

"You're hurting yourself." Arsal said in a soft voice after what felt like ages of my crying and weeping session.

I looked at him with disbelief.
"He's more hurt than me. He's in more pain than I'd ever be."

I yelled.

"But it does not mean if he's hurt then you hurt yourself too." He said.

"I means it! If he's hurt than I should experience pain too!" I shouted at him with hard eyes.

Then my eyes softened as I whispered.
"I love him. Arsal, I love him." Tear ran down my cheeks than any cloud would rain water in moonsoon.

I looked into his eyes, I read his eyes. They were filled with sympathy, pity, worry, sadness, regret and I couldn't comprehend what!

At that time I knew only one thing. I WANTED to be on his side.

"Why did I come here. H-he said that-that I c-could study med-dical here too. He did-didnt want me come all way here only to ex-experience Wor-rld. He didn't want me to come here, then why did I come here." I stuttered.

"I-He is Fighting for his L-life there and h-here I-im e-enjoying the freaking  function. H-he has lost most of his blood. He could be in coma. Worse! He could die. Arsal, I want to go to him. Please Arsal. I want to go to him." I pleased him.

He soothing rubbed my back. He didn't utter a single word as I let my tear fall.

They didn't seem to stop that day. I just hoped his breathing won't stop, his heartbeat won't stop. 


*Distributes chocolate cookies and cupcakes among angry readers*

Don't kill me now.

Just wait for next chapter. It'll be more interesting. The book's about to end.
Then I'll edit it.

You may, you know say prayers for Hashir.

Next update soon InSha Allah. Btw guys, I want votes for my story. Tap the star icon I know I am not doing my best but at least I deserve a vote

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