Chapter no. 2 (Rewritten)

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"Who's going to make tea?" Sarah looked at everyone.

Tabrez sank more into his seat to become less prominent, Bilal and Shahveer Bhai had their phones out. Tania and Sarah had just arrived after helping Aunts in Washing dishes.

I had the feeling that it was going to be me. I raised my hand,"I'm going!"

"I'm going."

My eyes widened. Tania and Sarah had worried expression on their faces by then. Tabrez also had felt the tension in room. Bilal was talking to someone on phone but his eyes flickered from one face to other and Shahveer Bhai had calm face.


"I think-"

"I'll go-"

"I should-"

"Harry alone can-"

"You both go!"

"What!" All of us said in unison and stared at Shahveer Bhai who had asked both of us to go.

Tania spoke, "Bhai, How could Hashir-"

She was cut off by Shahveer Bhai, "How could Hashir not go?

When none of us spoke he continued, "It's not like he's fatal for Hareem. I'm sure they can go make tea without killing each other."

Without a word I stood up and exited the room, "Shahveer Bhai, are you stupid! Did you forget how did he literally abandoned Hareem?"

I sighed. It was of no use. Tania was just drying her throat for no reason.

I felt guilty when I realized Hashir was still in the room. But I pushed it aside.

Did he not feel guilty when he threw me away like tissue paper?

I entered the kitchen and collected milk, tea and sugar.

My hand stopped in mid-air whilst grabbing tea carton from shelf. Not just because shelf was high and I have no access to it. But I had heard his leather shoes stepping on marble floor.

He came casually right next to me and picked the carton without stretching a single muscle.

Reasons why Hareem hates Hashir.
1- He has the hell of long figure.

He turned on the stove and put the kettle on it.

"You know you should have said for what just happened in room. After all it was your bff."

He was teasing me!

I tip toed and eyed him furiously, "Don't act like we're friends since birth Hashir Farooq!"

His eyes searched my face, " But we are Hareem!"

"No, Hashir. You are three years older than me." I face palmed myself. Horrible logic!

He pulled away my hand from my face and looked at me.

"But we're friends since childhood." I jerked my arm away.

"No we were friends Hashir. We were very close friends. Then you ruined everything. You turned my life upside down. It changed everything. Our relation. Our bond. My opinion for you. Everything!"

He pulled me closer to him, "Don't behave like child, Hareem. You're making it bigger deal than it really it!"

I laughed loudly, he had just taunted me!

"You are saying it isn't a big deal? Are you sure? Newsflash Hashir! It could've been a small deal for you but it was fucking huge deal for me. It had made and destroyed my entire life. You didn't see it, did you? Everyone was happy Hashir. Everyone saw us the future couple, happy and all that shit. I saw us together in future, Hashir! You changed the entire view without uttering a word." I was crying hard now, hiccups had formed.

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