Chapter no. 39

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"Give me the remote, You donkey!"

"If I'm donkey, then you're too because we are of same family." Danial shot back.

"Why didn't you go to office today?"

"Yarr, my cousin sis is getting married. I'm not going to office today."

"Guys, please stop. You're giving me migraine." I rubbed my temple as I  plopped down next to those donkeys.

Everyone was busy in preparations and they were still bickering.

Then I heard Waseem Badami's voice and raised my head up see he was arguing over some current country affairs.

As Danial kept on flipping through channel, I saw Fahad Mustafa distributing gifts to the audience.

"I don't know how this guy is so energetic. It takes so much energy to stand for 3 hours and talk constantly." Danial wondered loudly.

I ignored him.
"Should I change the channel?" He asked.

"If you changed the channel where Waseem Badami's show was going on. Then you can surely change this one too."

My phone rung.

"Hello, Hareem dear I Know you're getting married tonight but I have a task for you."

I sat straight.
"Yes Sir what is it?"

"See Hareem. I wouldn't have given it you too but there's this problem that my duty today was in casualty department. But I have to go to Kashmir for some conference. I want you act as my backup. I have told the nurses who to contact if in case something happens."

"Sir, you don't need to worry about it. Just think everything is in control." I assured him.

"Thank you so much Hareem."

"No problem Sir."

I hung up the phone, sighing.

I really wish nothing bad happens.

"Let's go."

"Where?" I asked Aunt.

"What do you mean where? You are getting married young lady. You're going to parlor to bride up." She gushed.

I followed her.


I stared at myself in the mirror. I was happy, my eyes said it all. My bridal red dress and my make up surely made me look pretty.

I wasn't getting married to the prince charming of dreams because I had no one. I was surely getting married to a friend, I loved him. As a friend.

"Oh look at you, how beautiful you're looking." Tania Said.

I furrowed my eyebrows to find out what's wrong but I couldn't.

As she led me out, Aliyan held my hand and started walking by me.

"Look, your man is waiting for you." He whispered softly, making me smile.

The only person who was happy in my marriage was him. But still, there something he was hiding too, everyone was hiding it. I didn't know what.

Everything was set, I was getting married to Arsal, he was happy, I was happy. What could go wrong?

People on the sides, threw flower petals at us. I smiled at Ali.

"Remember? When we were little instead of throwing these at Bride and groom we used to throw it at each other." I chuckled, as I walked past a girl, I picked up a fistful of petals from her tray and looked at Ali only finding out that he was doing the same. We looked at each other with big grins and threw the petal upward. Then as we looked up, the red, white, yellow petals hit our faces.

Aliyan squeezed my hand.
"Everything will be fine. Don't worry."

I did back the same thing, twice, making him look at me with surprised look.
"I don't need these words. You do."

His eyes flickered as he searched my face, looking that I knew something I shouldn't have.

He was about to say something but stopped and smiled in front of him.
There, Arsal was standing holding his hand out. I gladly took it and sat beside him.

"Hareem, your phone. You must've it, since it's your duty in casualty department tonight." Aliyan gave me my phone.

"Shall we start Nikaah?" Qazi Sahab asked.

My heartbeat accelerated, as I looked at Arsal. He was looking at me questioningly, I nodded my head slowly.

Arsal looked at Qazi Sahab.

"In the Name of Allah–"

The phone rung, I quickly gave everyone a apologizing glance and picked it up.

"Doctor Hareem?"

I gulped, why my heart was pounding hard as if telling me something's wrong. Telling me to hold it, or it would stop beating.

"Yes, it's me." I said in a low voice.

A few words from other line and my World was turned upside down.


What could go wrong? Huh.

What do you think the nurse would've said? Do you think Hareem was doing right by marrying Arsal? Or it should be Hashir instead?

The book is about to end only one or two chapters and epilogue.

Comment down your thoughts, vote and follow.

Bye till next time.

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