Chapter no. 41

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"Where's he?" I ran up to the reception.

"Who?" The receptionist asked.

"Damn it, women! Hashir Farooq." Ali yelled making the girl flinch.

"He-he, room no. 147." Ali and I ran, people kept on giving me confused glances.

My heart stopped beating for a moment when I reached his room. I took in a deep breath and looked at Ali.

I slowly peeked inside and entered. I gasped and cried spontaneously as I saw his state.

His head was wrapped in white cloth, tubes came out of his hands, He was being given blood at the same. His face looked pale.

I turned to see Aliyan, He also was stunned. His stepped back, stumbing. I ran up to him and held him.

"It's him." He pointed at Hashir, then hugged me tightly.

"It's my brother." He cried violently, his body was shaking.

The door opened and nurse came in, she was shocked to see my situation.

"Doctor Hareem." She steadied herself.

I wiped my tears and soothed down my hairs.

"Where are his reports?" She handed me the reports.

"I'll go, inform everyone else." I nodded absentmindedly.

I flipped the reports, looking through them when I saw more papers. My eyes traced the arms, and reached Ali's face.

"It's his reports. I knew he'd need them someday that's why I always keep them with me." I nodded, taking the reports from him. Curiously, what kind of reports he had of Hashir.

In the meantime, the nurse came holding his X-RAY. I looked at it, my eyes caught something. In his skull, there was something which shouldn't be there.

My thoughts wandered as I Snatched out the reports from nurse's hand which I had given her while I was looking at X-RAY. I read the medicines names the doctors had recommended him.

I felt the ground underneath my feet pull away. My mind went stiff, it stopped working. I reread the names of medicines, then the X-ray.




My head whipped up to see Aliyan, "He has Brain tumor?"

He stared at me, then nodded slowly.

"This can't be happening. His skull is damaged and he has Brain tumor too. How could it happen." I muttered, not knowing what to do.

"Doctor, Shall we start his surgery?" Nurse asked.

"Yeah, take him to ICU. I'm coming." The nurse nodded.

When she went away, I looked at Ali. Holding the reports in front of him.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"He didn't want you to know."

I chuckled humorlessly.
"Of course. You'd always done what he said. Who else doesn't know?"

"No one." I gasped.

"Ali! It's not like his feet got strained so he didn't tell anyone. It's not like it's not a big deal. It's brain tumor. It is a big deal!" I literally yelled.

"I know, but the doctors said he was recovering by chemotherapy treatment." He explained.

"Recovering? Huh! Recovering, Ali? I just saw the X-RAY. Look! It's a pretty big tumor!"

"I didn't know!" He held out his hands.

"For God sake, He's your friend. Don't you want him to be alive?"

"I do. What kind of question is this? He was recovering. His tumor also was destroyed. That's why we didn't tell anyone. But since last month, the symptoms started appearing again and he told me last week."

That was when they were talking about it. Brain tumor. I saw those medicines in his cupboard the same I had seen on the reports of that patient. I had gotten so my clues why couldn't I understand.

"And he has Brain tumor since?"

"It's been Five years." My eyes widened, lips parted when he said that.

"Don't tell me that's the reason he started avoiding me because he knew he had such a dangerous disease!"

Ali opened his mouth but, "Doctor Hareem. You can come now. Everything's ready." I nodded.

I was about to pull the door to go out when Ali said, "Yes Hareem."

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