Chapter no. 27

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I stumbled as a few kids dashed by me. I look at Sarah and laughed while shaking my head.

"Kids." I muttered.

"Well, Finally you too are here. I thought you'd come by midnight." Tabrez came out of nowhere.

Sarah narrowed her eyes at him.
"What are you trying to say?" She asked.

He just shrugged.
"That girls take ages to dress up." With that, Tabrez was running for his dear life and Sarah ran after him.

I wondered how this girl could ran so fast with thin heels.

I didn't know know where to go so I stared dawdling around. When I caught sight of two familiar faces.

I walked up to them.
"Salam." I greeted them.

They greeted back with a surprised face.

"What are you doing here?"
Arsh asked.

"I was about to ask you the same question." I said.

"Well, I was invited." He said with his jetted up.

"You look great today." I instantly felt my heartbeat fasten as Arsal complimented.

Arsh linked his arm with me.
"You look more than beautiful. And I'm proud to say your my bestie."

He pinched my cheeks but I didn't swat his hand. I was too busy comprehending what he just said.

When I came to Lahore Three years before, I did not had this thought that I'd be able to find such good people to call my friend.
To call my support.

I always had been a loner since day one. When I was in School, I didn't have people to call my friend. I had a friendly nature, many people liked me but they never wanted to befriend me as I was shy, Mute and over smart, teachers pet and nerd.

The only two friends I had were Hashir and Aliyan.

They always stood up for me when my other class fellows insulted me or bullied me.

Last year at my school, I had made a few friends but I couldn't call them actual friends.

I sat beside the wall at endest seat of my class, with 'Fangirl' in my hands.

I felt a figure shadowing me, I looked up and smile cheekily as I saw Hashir glaring down at me.

"Where were you at the lunch?" He asked.

Oops, he was really mad as he didn't even sit down next to me.

"I was actually, you Know preparing my Biology test." I quickly raised the book up I had been holding to show him I was studying.

Of course, that was really bad idea.

"That's not a Biology book." He stated.

I again gave him a nervous grin mentally shouted at myself to hurry prepare some excuse.

I saw a girl standing a few feet away.
"I just gave my Biology book to her. Hey! Can you please give me my book back!"

I mentally cursed as a few faces turned to me, giving a weird looks.

The girl glared at me and said.
"Stupid Nerd."

Hashir walked to her in an instant and shouted.
"Who the fuck are you to say that to her. Thank God your a girl or else you'd be dead right now."

Tears welled up in my eyes.
I scolded myself for being so vulnerable.

My vision blurred, I glanced down. Letting the scarf, I was wearing act as a curtain for my face.

The girl must've walked out because I felt Hashir sit next to me.

His hands reached up to my scarf and pulled it down, my eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" I quickly placed the scarf back on my head.

"Telling you to not hide away." He looked at me.

"So you're saying that you're tired of standing up for me?"

He seemed shocked of my question as his mouth blurted out.
"What! No!"

"So as long as you are next to me I don't need to stand up for myself." I said.

"Hey! You forgot about me?" We chuckled simultaneously as Ali sat on the chair in front me with an offended look.

I pinched his cheeks and He swatted my have away.
"Aww my little bestie is mad at me?" I said in a baby voice.

His face broke into a grin.
"You know what. Your my soft spot. You just have to call me your bestie and there goes all my anger."

He said with a smile.
"That's what I'm thankful for. You being my best friend of 17 years."

A tear slipped down my cheek, as I realized who I missed so much right now.


"Hey, You dozed off?" 

Arsh shook my shoulders.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I just spaced out."

"Sounds like that."

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