Chapter no. 13

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After meeting everyone , I sat into the train. The train started moving and my family moved away from my sight, as I kept looking at them with teary eyes.

" My birthday would be anything but happy from now on."

"God! Hareem. Stop hallucinating your mind."
I grabbed my head I'm my hands.

"Do you need help?"


The guy must be thinking that I was insane.

I looked up at him as he continued to give me his charming smile.

The guy was cute and Handsome , that was an understatement. His grin , would make any girl swoon. And he could easily be selected for the 'hero' character in some Romantic movie.

"Well, I do need."

"What? Help?" I asked him.

He shook his head and pointed to the seat next to me.

"Seat." He smiled again.

He smiles alot.

"You can sit here." I gestured towards the seat in front of me.

"Well, I'm Arsh Rehman. Where are you going to?"
He asked.

I was in no mood to talk to someone.

"To Islamabad." I sarcastically replied.

At which, his eyes only widened.

"Hey! I need to stop the train. Your going wrong way. The train goes to Lahore."
He shouted getting everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at us as if we're insane or some were afraid that they have a mentally disabled passengers.

Yeah, folks! We do need a doctor or giving address to mental hospital would be much better.

I gave everyone an awkward smile and glared at Arsh.

"Arsh, I'm going to Lahore." I whispered pointedly.

He smiled in relief.

Then Said.
"Why so sarcastic?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm like this already." I told him.

He only raised one eyebrow.

The guys who could raise one eyebrow are too cool and no way in the hell I'm telling him that.

"What's your name again?"

"I didn't tell you in the first place."

"Okay I'm asking you now. What's your name pretty girl?" He leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head.

To be honest, I smiled when he called me pretty.

I need a mirror now.

Do I really look good ?

Is he making fun of me?

Because I doubt it.

"Why are you looking at me with much dumbness?"
He flashed his fingers  in front of my face.

"Hareem Khan."


"My name is Hareem Khan."
I Told him slowly.

"Nice name." He nodded approvingly.

"You must be thinking why I'm going to Lahore."

I didn't, trust me.

"Well, there starts my story. My Dad and Mom lived in Lahore but my grandparents lived in there. Ya know, they wanted me to live with them. Now that I have completed half of my studies, I'm going to Lahore to do further studies—"


How long has this been going.


Written in these walls—

I should sing other song.

Ugh...My brain has left me there. I can't even think of a song. Shit, I can't even remember the lyrics.

"Yeah, that's how I fell in love with her but this is what I thought. She wasn't loving me. And yes then I got to know that the girl loved my friend. And I was like 'Dude, it's not like I was going to murder you. I pretty much enjoyed being in relationship'. But really ? Do I look jobless to you ? I mean I don't have job now. I'm studying but you understand?"

I lifted my head up and gave him a mere nod.

You must be thinking he started from how he lived in bwp and he ended up there at his Love life.

Don't ask how !

This guy can talk for 100 years without stopping.

I zoned out again.

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