Chapter no. 19

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"Wake up. Wake up."

"I swear Dan, if you'll annoy me one more time. I'll chop you." I muffled in my pillow.

"I'm not Danial and God you're threats are dangerous."

Huh. This voice doesn't belong to Danial.

Didn't it just say that it's not Danial.

I was wide awake now. I looked up and sat to see Sarah standing there.

Then I looked around, the grey coloured Walls of my room were replaced by Red coloured Walls and there was not a single poster. There were only three shelves of books instead of my numerous ones. And my photo collage was replaced by around 20 photos, hangings on the White colored wall above the bed.

I frowned, this wasn't my room. Realization dawned on me as I remembered everything.

I've had come to Lahore. I grabbed my head in my palms.

"How could I forget that." I murmured to myself.

I looked up, to take a look on Sarah who had 'Rise and shine' face.

What happened to her? She was not the morning person either!

"Sarah, how could you be so happy in the morning?" I asked her. Folding my blanket and giving it to her as she put it inside the closet.

"Cause I'm going to spend next five years of my life with you. Aren't you happy?" She frowned at the end of sentence.

"I am happy Sarah." I told her genuinely but the thought of living without my family for five years was not much digestive.

"Today is your first day of College. Do you remember? Now get ready and come down within fifteen minutes." With that she left the room.

I got up from my bed and made my toward the bathroom. After good 10 minutes of shower. I dressed into black leggings and white shirt that reached onto my knees and it was quite simple yet pretty.

I grabbed black sandals and black jacket with a sea green scarf. I didn't put any make up on my face, but a lip gloss.

I tied my hairs in braid and pinned some of leftover hairs into rolls.

"Morning everyone." I said as I descended the stairs.

"Good morning. You had a good sleep?" My aunt asked at which a I replied 'yep'.

My aunt went into the kitchen to make breakfast for Uncle.

I grabbed an apple but Sarah snatched it from me.

"What the hell!" She bit the Apple.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away. And I don't want you to stay away from someone handsome doctor."
I gasped at her. And hit her at arm.

"Ow. Mean." She faked a pout.

I laughed along with her.

I then grabbed a toast and apple jam. After eating the breakfast, I was ready to leave.

I grabbed my backpack and yelled.
"My bus would be coming any minute. I'm leaving bye everyone."


As I stepped in the College, it's like everyone got hunch that I was entering the College. Because even people standing far away turned around to look at me.

That's Cliche.

Many were standing in their white coats and stethoscope around their necks. I guessed they were seniors while a few were without the white coats, Junior of course.

I kept on walking with my head down. I hated when people stared at me. It was like they're telling me I had something off about me in my clothes or face or hairs even.

It made me insecure. I didn't know why but I wanted Hashir to be on my side.

Are you even going to forget him? I had told you, you can't!

I could forget him and I would!

I entered the hallway and my jaw dropped at the sight.

It was fucking huge, the classes around their were huge as halls and don't get me started on the halls.

Holly Molly.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies." My mouth dropped more open as I saw him standing there next to me.

No way in hell I had thought I would be seeing him again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still not recovered from the shock.

"Umm learning ballet dance. That's what we do in Medical college." He joked at which I laughed.

"Thank goodness you laughed. Finally mission accomplished." He fist bumped in the air.

"Well I didn't get you as a nerd who likes you study and end up being a doctor." I said with a smile.

At least, I got a friend.

"I do like to study." He said in an offended tone.

"I really didn't thought I'd meet you somewhere like this. I mean a Medical college? C'mon Arsh you don't look like a doctor." I said nudging him slightly.

"I look like a hero? Aren't I ?" He winked.

"Ahah. You do." I smiled.

Well, what could I say the rest of my day went awesome, because I had an fabulous friend with me.

"—aww you should have said 'Swiper no swiping'."

I laughed out loud but could not help but agree with him. He was right, maybe the thief would have stopped.

He would have taken you to a mental hospital. Ya know.

"Hahaha you're right. I should have had  said that." He smiled widely.

"Now that's a real Hareem Khan. Who was girl I spent 8 hours of my travel?" My body went stiff.

She was girl who was in crazily love with a careless boy.


So how's life.

Arsh: yay. I'm finally here.

Me: *Sighs dreamily* he's so adorable.

Arsal: puh-leez, I'm better.

Hashir: what do you think about me! *Jumps out of nowhere making girls swoon*

Me: how did you get here.

Hashir: I can go wherever I want to. Don't forget, I'M THE ACTUAL HERO of your book. If I wasn't here. Where would've you gotten that cover from? Huh. And not to mention but the girl over there in the book is insanely in love with me.

Me: Nevermind.

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