Chapter no. 16

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"Hey look there's someone staring at you from these bushes." I literally screamed.

Arsh was so close to me as he looked out the window, he then looked at me and grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

"Look I saw something flashing." He again pointed in the woods.

"You know what Arsh. You're the most immature person I've seen in my entire life." I said.

As if you're less.

Oh Shut up.

I ain't talking, I'm just sending thoughts to you.


"I like being immature." He again grinned.

I smiled faintly as I remembered.

"You know what Hareem. Your so childish and immature." He said as Maria walked out of lounge.

I grinned.

"I know. And what's my age even to be mature? Huh. I'm 16 only Hash." I grabbed the remote from him and changed the channel to FIFA world cup.

I hope France wins against Croatia.

"And for being so Childish. Watching football is not doing Justice to your behavior." I frowned at him.

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

I was cut off by the Screaming and cries from Tv.

"Hey! Look 3rd goal of France. I said that France would win! Didn't I? Lmao to the people who said Croatia is going to win! I mean—"

"It's only 1 goal difference."

"Are you serious! Hashir Farooq Ali Khan! 1 goal difference can be the hugest difference. Nevermind, you can't understand Football. Why the hell I'm explaining to you! Football game is going on in front of me—HEY LOOK HASH! ANOTHER GOAL. HAHA CROATIA THUMBS DOWN TO YOU. IT'S THE FOURTH GOAL. By the way can you pass my popcorn?"

I turned my attention from the screen to look at Hashir laughing so hard.

"No wonder Football is the most boring game. You can make it most entertaining sport ever."

Should I faint that he complimented me or should I yell at him, he just called football boring.

I stuck with Third Option.

"That's why Being childish is good." I told him, munching on to my popcorn.

"Mhmm, popcorn are best. You want? Okay."

"When did I say being Childish is bad thing?" He asked.

"I know you didn't but still—you know Hash. Childishness is easiest way to be happy. Talking to yourself, being weird, Swooning over every guy you see on TV, Shouting at the LED screen, being clumsy, tripping over every step. These are the things that make me happy for no reason."

"That's why I love you."

A tear slipped down my cheek, I immediately wiped it. I should have stopped thinking about him that much.

"—That's why being immature is good."

"Huh." I stared at him dumbly.

"Were you even listening to me when I was going on and on about good qualities of a immature person?" He looked for answer.

I opened my mouth but he cut me off as his face came near mine.

He searched my face.
"Are you crying?"

How did he know?

I opened and closed my mouth. Trying to find words.

I gave up and sighed.

"How did you figure out?"

He smiled.
"I just did."

"By the way I was telling you how being immature is good thing—"

"I already know." I nearly shouted to make him stop. 

"You do?"


"Are you Childish?"

"I-i y-yes, I am." I finally blurted out.

"Really? I love you already."
He says out of nowhere, making my eyes widen.

His own eyes went wide when realization hit him.

"Oh no no no. I love you as  a friend." He said.

"It's not that if someone says I love you to you he's saying that he loves you in that way. There are many forms of love. It depends on how the next person gets it."

You got it in that way. This time and last time too.

Bitter truth.



Hehe. Well if any of you here is thinking about Umair and Hareem in that way.

I correct you here. You are very very wrong.

I didn't even mention him in the Cast. He just came into my mind randomly.
I saw him in Some Drama and I liked him so much.
So I thought why don't we add him in the book.

Btw, another character is waiting for you. *Wink*

Tell meh your thoughts on story. And if there's something you want to Change, let me know.

It's not like I'm gunna change as you want. I'm the author here. *smirks*

Bye bye.


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