Chapter no. 20

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"So the two Cerebral Hemispheres of the brain—"

"Look who's studying, the one without brain. I mean how could you do that. Study when you don't even have brain. And ironic, isn't it? You're reading about brain." He must've vowed to annoy me the day he laid his eyes on me.

"What is your problem?" I asked him.

"You're my problem. Can you please read in lower voice. It's giving me migraine. But you know what. Do me a favor and disappear from the planet. Would you?" He finished his sarcasm.

I was about to answer him when a voice called out from his room.

"Dude, why being so rude?Hey that rhymed—oh wow, Harry you live here. Hi—but Arsal did you hear that rhymed?"

"Hi Arsh, and you're friends with him?" I pointed at Arsal.

Arsh faked a sad face and nodded.
That earned him a smack from Arsal.

"What the hell, man? Do you know what they say 'Say no to Physical abuse'."

"I don't deserve slaps. Unless it's from mama." He muttered loud enough for us to hear.

We laughed at that.

"Hareem, I've been calling you for—hey who's he?" Sarah pointed at Arsh.

"I Told you about the guy in Train? He's him."

"So you're the one who didn't let Hareem think of Hashir." I almost covered her mouth, but it was too late already.

"Hashir? Who's Hashir?" Arsh asked whereas Arsal also stood there with half confused and half knowing look.

"Hashir? I said Hashir? Oh no. I said–Ahad Raza Mir. You saw his latest movie? It was awesome. Hareem is crazy for him." She tried to cover up and gave me a look that said that's the best I could get.

"Yeah I know him. He's handsome." Arsh said and we stared at him.

"No no. You got that wrong. I mean he's a nice actor. I didn't mean it in that way." He moved his hands randomly in air to prove his point.

"What were you saying when you got here, Sarah?"
I asked her.

"Oh yeah about that. Well Bilal is here and Mommy is Suggesting that we could go out you know to hangout." She explained.

"You guys wanna come?" I asked Arsh and Arsal.

"No we're fi—"

"We'd love to join you."Arsh cut off Arsal with a look that said you won't say a word.

He sighed, knowing he couldn't say anything else.

"Okay I'll get ready." I announced.

"Yea you really need to do so." Arsal eyed me up and down.

I was in a orange shirt which had a lot of wrinkles and black trousers. My hairs were in bun, but they were falling out in a messy order. Not to mention but my finger tips had ink, the way I grab my pen when I write.

"I don't look that bad." I pouted.

"To be honest, Hareem. You do." I narrowed my eyes once at both Sarah and Arsal before going into my room.

"Let's get ready." Sarah joined me in the room as I looked for clothes.

"That's strange." I looked at my Dark pink and purple frock, it didn't had much details but still looked cute.

"What? My frock?" I asked her.

Her eyes snapped out if her dream and she shook her head at me.

"No I'm not talking about your shirt. It looks great. I'm talking about Arsal." My eyes knitted together in confusing gesture.

"What about him?"

She collected her belongings at the bed. Her Grey color shirt and black trousers perfectly matched with White sneakers.

"He is a distant guy. It's been a year since he moved here. But still he has not made a single friend. And you've moved here. It's been What? 3 months. And you guys are like friends. You bicker together, that's a sign of friendship. And today he also agreed to come with us." She finished, making it sound like a big deal.

"Because Arsh persuaded him." I told her.

"But still—"

"I don't get you." I honestly said.

"Okay whatever. Get your ass ready will ya."I chuckled slightly at attempt to light up the mood when she was the one in deep thought.

I didn't even think about it again.

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