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After 7 years

"You already know that you won't get your chocolates if you cry, don't you?"

"Yes mama, But I miss you."

"My baby, I'll be back by 5-o-Clock."


"Promise Hashir."

"Okay mama bye, I love you."

"I love you too, my baby."

I hung up my phone and looked at the patient. She was already smiling at me.

"He was your son?"

"Yes, He was my son. Hashir."

"Why did you come here when you live in Bahawalpur?"

"Actually I was here for some conference and I got a call that there's a patient of brain tumor, needs surgery. I couldn't help but come and give you surgery."

"Thank you so much doctor. You saved my life."

My eyes teared up.
"I didn't save your life. You survived because you were meant to."

She frowned in confusion.
"What do you mean, I was meant to survive?"

I inhaled sharply.
"I know someone who was given surgery but didn't survive. Because he didn't mean to."


"I still know him. Even though he's not with me."

"Is he your husband?"

I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Oh no no."

"Is he your lover?"

I smiled.

"Then what's your relation with him?"

I looked down at my bag, in which his diary lied.

"My relation with him is undescribable."

"So you don't love your husband?"

"I do. I love Arsal, Hashir taught me to love Arsal."

"Hashir, your son?"

I smiled widely.
"No, my...my..." I stopped, shaking my head. I didn't know what was he to me.

My phone rung.

"Walaikum Asalam, dear wife. I'm outside the hospital for at least 45 minutes. Would you do the honors to come down?"

I looked down a my watch. I told him that I'd be there at 8:00. And the time was 8:45.

I bit my tongue.

"I've to go. My husband is waiting for me." She nodded and I left the room. I ran downstairs, whilst Everyone gave me confused glances.

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