Chapter no. 11

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"-And then she said that she gets Sad everytime I'm sad".
Aliyan finally stopped.

I turned to him,  raising my eyebrows.

"So she's the third oops fourth girl your in love with!"
He was looking at nowhere dreamily.

"Yarr. Maha rejected me , I guess this girl Raffia really loves. I finally found someone , I am so happy."
He smiled cheekily.

I sighed, worried for him.
I sat beside him.

"Ali, you need to stop". I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"But didn't you say that I should keep looking for right girl."

"I told you but do you really think you love her?"
He nodded, giving widest grin.

"And you loved Sarah, Tania and Maha too". His smiled dropped.

He looked at his lap.

"Cutie pie, I thought that I loved Sarah. But I didn't. And then comes Tania , I have had only cared for her. Lastly, Maha. She has been so busy with her life and crushing over her teacher, that she didn't have time for my feelings. Rafia Made me forget her. She's too good, Cutie pie. Sometimes, I think I don't deserve her".

I got up , nodding. I didn't even get Words to respond back.

I didn't know why every girl leaves him, ignored him. Aliyan is my bestie, I only wanted good for him. The only thing he got from his life was betrayal and pain.

"Ali, would you help me to zip my bag". He got up and pressed his palms on my bag.

I tried zipping it but miserably failed.

"Let me see , what's stopping me to zip it up". He opened the bag and glanced back at with opened mouth , then back at my bag.

"What. The. Hell". He said and throws my books out of my bag.

I grabbed his wrist.


"Hareem, Now I see why half of your book shelves are empty. You don't need to take all the books there". He said.

"I need to take all the books there". I confirmed.

"Okay then take all the books, every single picture that's sticking on your wall. Don't forget to take you leftover sandals and flip-flops. And yeah! Listen to me and pack your bedsheets too". He tried to stuff my pillow in my bag.

Then made his way to my shoe cases.

"Ali!". He took out three boxes of sandals and picked out each sandal from box.

"Ali! You're overreacting". I shouted.

"No. I ain't overreacting. Trust me". He put his hand on his chest and smiled sweetly.

Then his smile turned into hard Face.

"Now it's not my fault that my Bestie is packing her bag like she's going to some let's-see-who's-got-more-books competition not to study medical". He threw his hands up in frustration.

I slowly took out my rest of Books before he could lost it.

He nodding approving.

Suddenly I felt warmth , Aliyan was engulfing me into a comforting hug.

"I'll miss you , Cutie pie".

"I ain't going for lifetime ,Ali. I'll be back after 5 years". I assured him.

"What if you fall in love with some handsome doctor and decide to stay there". He frowned.

I put a hand on his chest.

"Ali , I'm going there to study not to marry someone". I told him.

His phone rung.

"Oh Hash is asking me to come out". He started walking in opposite direction.

He stopped and turned around. He gave me a smirk.

"By the way , about getting married. You never know". He sing songed last words.

Making me groan.


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