Chapter no. 18

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I was done combing my hairs. Everyone in the town was asleep, I could guess it by the darkness and silence here.

Suddenly, I heard a noise. It came from the house next to our. Then a black body was seem jumping down the balcony.

It's a thief.

OH GOD! What's Should I do?

I also jumped down my balcony and ran after the thief.

"Hey! Listen. You Moron!" I whispered.

Because everyone was sleeping. I couldn't wake them up.

I raised my voice a bit.

"Oyii. You bloody thief!" He stopped and turned back.

He must've seen that I'm a girl because he didn't run away. Instead he slowly made his way to me.

Should I run?

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. It's my last day on Earth.  Grandpa, I'm coming.


So he came all the way back here to ask 'What'.

What an idiot.
Your idiot right now.

Shut up.

"I know you are thief. Give me back whatever you've stolen or else." I threatened him.

"Or else what?" I guess my threat didn't affect him.

Your threat was not even threat.

"Or else I'll start screaming."
I said.

"Then scream." He challenged me.

I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to scream but I couldn't because he put his hand on my mouth.


"Hey you Bitch! Keep your dirty hand off of my mouth."
I tried to say but it only came out as "oophm muphh ummphh."

Then he pushed my, I stumbled and fell. My head something.

I was about to faint but I grabbed my head and shook it vigorously and blinked a few times.

I got up and saw that thief was still standing there looking away.

This guy really want to get killed from my hands.

I jumped on his back and started hitting.

"Ow ow ow. What the hell! Get off of me!" When I get off.

My eyes widened. It wasn't the thief, it was the guy I saw reading.

I gasped.
"You! You are thief. I can't imagine you stealing from your own house. What did you steal. Show me!"

I took the bag from his hand but he only snatched it back.

"You are not what I thought you were." He said looking at me weirdly.

"Don't you dare try to change subject. I'll go and tell your parents what their lovely son actually does. I swear they'll be ashamed of you. Did you once think about them before doing this. Wait I'm even talking to you." I was about to turn around and go to his house. When he grasped my hand.

"I'm not thief." I snorted at his statement.

"Every thief says he's not thief." I again turned around but he stopped me.

"You know what! Your mental, insane, stupid, crazy, psychopath." He said.

"You have a psychological disorder. I get it." He said concerned.

"No. I'm not. Oh God why are saying this. I'm perfectly fine. How could I be a psychological patient when I'm here to study medical."
I explained.

"Then for a Medical student. You really are immature, Childish and weird."

"Stop calling me that." It came out more harsh then I thought.

"And what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well I saw someone stupid talking to a thief. First I thought the person was with that thief then I see him pushing the person. I ran to rescue the person but turns out that I'm the thief."
He explained sarcastically.

"Ohh." I understood.

"Yeah ohh. And it has money and jewelry. You wanna check?" He showed me the back.

"Sorry." I Mumbled guiltily.

"Accepted." He muttered.

"I'm Arsal."

"Hareem." I replied. 

"Harry!" I jerked my head to him.

"Oh God no. I'm tired of this." He only grinned back.

"But it matches with your name. Doesn't it? Hareem Harry. Harry Hareem. By the way which Harry you want to be? Harry Potter or Harry styles?"

"I want to be Hareem."

"Not happening. Bye Harry."

Then he went back to his house and I went back to the house I was staying for five years.


Dun dun dun!

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