Chapter no. 15

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  Continue from last chapter.

"Where are Tania and Sarah?" Bilal asked.

"They're diverting the kid's mind." They chuckled.

I made my spot next to Tabrez and logged into my Facebook account.

I felt Hash's eyes on me. I looked up at him, he passed me a faint smile and went back to talking to Bilal.

I smiled widely as he continued talking to Bilal.

"Oye." Tania and Sarah said simultaneously.

"I hate to mention it but thank God you guys called us here. The weather is so cool and awesome."Tania walked over to the edge of roof.


Hashir ran toward the edge of roof And stopped instantly. He then looked at Tabrez and Bilal expectedly.

When they didn't respond and kept their faces dumb, he groaned.

"Oh come on. Now I ain't going to jump from the roof. Guess already. It's pretty easy."

Tabrez and Bilal looked at each other then back at Hashir shaking their heads.

"Okay I give up." Hashir held up his hands in surrender. He continued.
"It's Skyscraper. You buttholes."

Tabrez and Bilal utter out a 'damn' and 'shit'.

"It means...WE WON!!" Sarah danced around.

We chuckled at her but high-fived

"So what now?" Hashir asked as he sat down next to me.


His knees were touching my thighs. I was literally shaking and screaming under his touch.

A bark of dog interrupted my nervous session.

We glanced at each other. Everybody was confused as why the dog was barking at 3.

The first thought came to my mind and I voiced it.
"Oh my God. Is it some robber ?"

Tabrez stood up and walked ahead glancing down in the animals farm.

"Tabi!! What are you doing? Come back here." Bilal whispered-yelled.

Tabi showed up his hand as if saying 'wait a minute'.

Sarah chuckled nervously.

"We should go down now it's 3 am." Tania suggested.

"No, we're going to call Shahveer Bhai." Sarah took it her phone and dialled his number.

"Shahveer Bhai. Please come upstairs I think there is someone in the farm. We are hearing voices—But." She looked at us hopelessly.

"He says ' let me sleep'." We all looked at Sarah with wide eyes.

I felt a hand against my hand, my eyes flew to Hashir's eyes.
As I looked at him, he squeezed my hand in a comforting manner.

His face came close to my ears. His breath tickled my skin. He whispered;

"Hakuna matata." I chuckled silently at him.

Then he spoke again.
"How did you feel when Mufasa died?"

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