Chapter no. 34

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"So I went to that company, the boss there? Don't ask me, Harry! He's so rude and arrogant. I don't know how his employees have been tolerating him. I can't stand him one second. And the way he talk? Like someone has forced him to do so.....Hareem-...are you there?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard someone repeating my name. After a few moments of acting dumb, it dawned on to me that I'd been holding my phone.

"Yes?" I said absent-mindedly.

"Did you hear what I just said?" I moved my eyes here and there to think about proper answer and finally spoke.

"Yea you are right. I add too much chilli sauce in spaghetti. I'll keep in mind to lower the amount next time."

I heard a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Tania asked.

"Nothing Yar. Just hospital and all. Actually Sir Talha has been very kind to me and but he also wants me to experience and understand everything so he gives alot of tasks." I lied smoothly.

Everything was true I said but the lie was, that was something I've been worried about.

"Oh so that's problem and I thought it has something to do with these new fellows who came to bwp." My breathing stopped for a moment.

"How do you know about Arsal and Arsh?" I said in hurried tone, then cursed myself for speaking at the instant.

"Well, when I was coming back from my office yesterday. I over heard two boys bickering about this girl 'Hareem' so I got curious. I evasdropped a bit and then I confronted them, they blurted out everything." My mouth hung open as I heard her.

"You are unbelievable." I slowly told her.

She snickered.
"That's what you could comprehend from my entire explanation?"

I shrugged.

"Hareem, come down for a moment dear!" I heard my mom calling me.

"Kay, Tani. Gotta go." I hurriedly told her and was about to hang up the call when;

"Wait a sec, if he comes to your hospital tomorrow. Don't kill me." With that, the line went silent and I was left utterly confused.

What the hell!


"The operation was successful but there are possibilities of his death. I'm telling you to keep him under your observation for next 24 hours." I listened carefully as Sir Talha talked.

"Okay sir. You don't need to worry about it. I'll handle everything." I assured him.

He smiled at me.
"I know Hareem, I trust you."

His phone rung.
"I've to take the call, I'll chat with you some other time." With that he left.

I went to the ICU and carefully observed the patients movements. I saw a file sitting on the side table, there were some medicines name written on it.

I knitted me eyebrows as I read each word, memorizing it.

"Doctor Hareem?"

"Yes, it's me." I turned around to see a nurse standing.

"There's someone outside.   He wants to see you."

"I'll be out in a minute." I gave the file one last glance and hurried out of the room.

Just as I went out, my mouth went dry. My tummy felt a ticklish feeling as I saw him.

"Arsal, what are you doing here?" My throat burned.


I need water.

"Hareem I need to talk to you." He said.

"I-im on duty Right now. I'll talk you later." I turned around, then felt a strong arm gripping my small one.

"No, Hareem I can't let the opportunity go. I want to talk to you. Now!"

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