Chapter no. 38

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"Make sure that feast's ready till 8:30. Some guests go early."

"Security should be strict, no suspicious guy should enter."

"Decorations Should be ready till 6:00 pm."

"Arrival of Barat should be momentous, make sure everything is outstanding."

Everyone was pacing here and there in front of me, ordering on the other line of their phones.

Because they wanted to make sure my 'marriage' gets done with so much splendour.

"Qazi Sahab, you have to be at the Marriage venue at exact 8:00 clock. Thank you."

I felt like I was going to pass out any minute, they had been passing by me repeatedly.

"Oyi, what the hell are you doing here? Did you wash your henna? Don't you wash it now, the color won't be bright enough then." Tania scolded me, pulling me upstairs into my room not even letting me speak.

"Tania." I said as I was pulled into my room.

"What!" She snapped at me.

I flinched at her tone, her stony eyes softened as she saw my reaction.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I've been very busy. Maria couldn't come because doctor strictly warned her not to travel with baby."

I eyed her, as she rubbed her temples. Sign, that she was frustrated.

"Tell me what's wrong." She smiled, not meeting my gaze.

"I just told you what's wrong." I pulled her down next to me so she was sitting on the bed.

"I've known you for 20 years, Tani. You can't lie to me."

She finally raised her lashes to meet my gaze. I was stunned to see her unveil her nervous grin to show her hard, angry, frustrated face.

"You think you're doing right by marrying him?" She asked.

My eyes widened.

"Tani, you're against my Choice of marrying Arsal?" I already knew but I asked her hoping that somehow she'd say otherwise.

"Yes, Hareem. I'm against your decision because why your choosing good when you can have best?" She threw her hand to right, in the direction of my room's door.

"Don't say that you want me to marry Hashir!" I got up.

"Excatly, I'm saying that you should marry Hashir instead of Arsal." She also stood up.

"Marry someone whom I can't even trust? Marry someone whom I don't even love?" I turned my back at her but tilted my head a little to back.

"You will learn to trust him and Hareem, you are in denial."

"Denial! Denial, Denial Tania?" I was furious.

She was my best friend and was taking Hashir's side.

"I'm not denying anything. I don't love him and I'm not planning to learn to trust him also."

She opened her mouth to protest but I raised my palm.

"Enough. Chapter closed. We won't talk about it anymore."

Everything was already written and planned in my fate. I did not see any point of going against it. If he was already my fate, then why would I have Chosen Arsal?

We should marry someone whom we trust with ourselves, our lives. And I trusted Arsal with everything in me.


What she's doing is right,...right?

Tell me your thoughts on the chapter.
Was Hareem too harsh on her bestie? Or what she said was right? Should she marry Arsal? Or decline?

What's going to happen next?

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Allah Hafiz, Stay blessed and happy:*

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