chapter no. 6

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It was that day. I sighed as I stared at raindrops falling on Jasmines. Their scent erupted in air.

I was eating peanuts as my fingers danced on the laptop keyboard.

No one knew, but I had applied in King Edward College, Lahore. Yes, I wanted to study in QMC but I also wanted to experience life and people on my own.

Shutting the laptop, I laid down on the couch. I eyed the book ranks, considering Mushaf to read. The novels was quite good. Especially, it taught the most important thing.

Qur'an talks to you!

I had always recited Quran without understanding it. Without knowing what Allah wanted to let me know. Since I read the novel, I started reading Quran with translation.

Just to know, what Allah wanted to tell me.

HE also wanted to let me know that I'm too precious, I wasn't made for Hashir. Maybe for someone, who cared for me. Who knew my worth.


"If I'm going to School. He's going to College." Fakhar was talking as if he was discussing very important case.

But in actual, he wanted equality. Stupid.

"I'm free! I've been so busy with long ass tests. Dude, let me take breath for a while!"

Fakhar waited for two to three seconds.

"You breathed! Now, let's go!"

Danial jerked his hand away from Fakhar's grip.


"To hell!" Fakhar said.

"That's where you should go! Not me." He replied.

"And what good deed mister has done?"

"I'm tolerating you. Isn't it a good deed?"

I sat next to them and switched on the TV.

Imran Abbas's drama Koi Chand Rakh was being played.

Koi Chand rakh Meri sham per...

"Harry, What does the phrase mean?" Fakhar asked.

"It means, My night is dark. It is sad. It is alone. Please give me a moon to light it up. To make it bright and beaming. To make to less lonely. In other words, he's asking his beloved to accompany him. So he'd be happy and less lonely."

I told him as I stared at crying Imran Abbas. It was last episode of drama and karma had hit him hard. He finally realized that the girl he was fooling around wasn't his well-wisher but his wife was.

He tried to look for Charm and glam. In his search, he casted away his simple but elegant wife and also picked on her character.

But it was too late, how long a girl would tolerate the insults? How long would she bear loneliness? Why would she like if someone accuses her of being characterless? Not someone but the only one she loved!

"Dinner's ready!" Mama called.

When we all arrived at the table. Hashir was drinking tea.

Why is he drinking tea before dinner?

"Why are having tea before dinner?" Danial voiced my thoughts.

"I was feeling nauseated." He said.

"You know what type of tea Waseem Badami drinks?"

Fakhar asked me.

"Ginger tea without sugar." I answered.

Danial and Fakhar scrunched up their noses.

"It sounds horrible! Who does it drinks it even?" Danial said.

"He haves it as energy drink. Not just to get rid of his tea cravings." I said.

"And who drinks tea because of cravings?"

"No one."

"Is she indirectly talking about Hash?"

I ignored Fakhar.

But I couldn't ignore Hashir's eyes on me.

After dinner, I went back to my room and checked the email.

Much to my joy! I was accepted by them!

I stared at the screen. The acceptance letter from KEC! I couldn't believe it.

I decided to wait for the night and tell everyone on breakfast table.


Picture above ⬆️ is kubra Khan as Tania Khan.

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