Chapter no. 35

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"Doctor Hareem, are you okay?" My trembling hands, gripped the glass tight.

But the voice scared me, the glass fell on the floor. Shattered into pieces.

Why is everything so hard for me right now!

"I need Aspirin." I told the nurse, after a moment she came back, holding another glass of water and an aspirin in her other hand.

''Thanks." She nodded and went off.

I quickly gulped down the water and then put the glass on the table in front of me.

Not only my heard hurt, my heart was aching too. My brain was also yelling at me to hurry, make a decision. My tongue also cursed at me for not speaking back at that time. My eyes also complained for tearing down in front of him.

Every single muscle in my body was tensed as hell, heck! Every single cell in my body was freaking out.

I wanted to go home, but I had night shift to do. I couldn't go to home.
I needed to sleep, forget everything I had heard.

No matter how hard I tried to forget it, that scene came back in front of my eyes flashing like I saw some drama.

I squeezed my eyes es shut, only to let the tears fall.

"Hareem I love you." My eyes widened at the four simplest words that rolled out of his tongue so smoothly.

But it only terrified me, how many he had practised saying it?

"I know Hareem it's hard for you to believe it. But trust me it's harder for me to not fall in love with you. I was drawn to you when I saw you for the first time. We don't love someone for a reason. I had heard it many times yet it never believed it. Then I met you, then I realized how true the fact was. You have never done something to make me fall for you. At the same time, everything you do makes me fall for you even harder. Is it possible?"

He chuckled. I was numb, I even forgot to move. My limbs had stopped functioning. So I did what I could do at that time.

Stand there and stare at him.

After a pause, he spoke up again.

"When you laugh, when you bite your lip, when you knit your eyebrows, when you play with the tips of your hairs. When you move your eyes here and there. The way you smile when you listen you Atif Aslam's song. The way your face lit up when you talk about Atif Aslam. You're so real yet unrealistic at the same time. I could help but love you."

I had never thought someone would observe me that closely.

"I know what are you thinking Hareem. I won't chicken out. I won't back away Hareem. I'll be there for you no matter what. I swear it on my life." My eyes softened at his words.

My heart squeezed gently at genuiness in his voice.

"Hareem, I know what are you afraid of. But I'm not Hashir." My breathe hitched in my throat.

"W-what are you-" for the first time in entire conversation, I spoke.

But didn't finish.

"Sarah told me everything." He told to lessen my confusion.

And that said whole story.

Then he left, not even a word after.

He just left.

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