Chapter no. 12

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I changed sides over and over again but nevertheless.

Damn , I have to leave tomorrow and here I can't even get to sleep.

I looked up and glanced at my clock. It said 12:02 am.

It means it's 17 February.

Hashir's birthday.

I always had wished him on his birthdays , but he never did. My thoughts went to the day when he had prepared fireworks for me.

At least he wished you this time. I smiled at the voice of my inner self.

I debated in my head wether to wish him or not. After a lot of fighting with my brain , I decided to sleep.

I was getting over him and I really didn't want to get hurt again by caring for him. I didn't care for him.


"Yarr..." Tania trailed off, making a pout.

"Tani, Stop behaving like a child." I scolded her but regretted when she gave me a hard look.

"You're going to Sarah, leaving me alone. How I'm going to spend my time without you." I melted at her words.

I really didn't think about that, Me also couldn't make it till weekend before meeting her.

How I'm going to live without her for five years?

I took her in my embrace. She hugged me back, then turning to Adil.

"Can I go to the station to see her off?" She asked him.

He was about to open his mouth but she cut him off.

"Please please please please please. Pretty please." He sighed.

"You can go." She jumped on him.

"Thank you."

I looked at my Mama and dad, then taking my eyes to Uncle and Aunt. Mariah was standing with her.

Fakhar and Danial were gone to practice Cricket and Hashir was nowhere to be found.

"Study hard and take care of yourself. The city is naive to you, so be careful. You don't need to go anywhere on your own. Tabrez will help you with outside necessaries. Behave good with your Aunt there." Dad explained.

I nodded reassuringly.

"I'll be fine. I'll behave like a good girl. I won't do anything on my own. I won't go anywhere I don't know about. I'll only focus on my studies." I replied to him in one breath, teasingly.

Everyone laughed.

My mom was crying hard.

I saddened.

"Mama.." she looked at me , wiping her tears.


"Don't cry, or else I won't go." I hugged her tightly.

She pulled away to look at me.

"Then don't go." My dad gasped her.

"Why? Don't you need your daughter to be brave and strong?" He says to my mom.

Mama was about to say something but I interrupted.

"Okay, Uncle!" I exclaimed looking at my uncle. I had to crane my neck up as he had a tall frame.

He smiled down at me, giving me a hug.

"Take care of yourself."

"Did you pack everything? Did you put some food in your bag? God knows what they give to passengers in train-" my aunt ranted on but was interrupted when Mariah pulled me to her.

"Okay, my turn. I'll miss you. I'll miss your blabber. I'll miss your whinny attitudes. I'll Miss everything about you."

"Okay, Marry. I'm not going to die." I jokes but no one found it funny as they Scolded me for saying such thing.

I felt someone hugging me tightly.

I chuckled.
"Fakhar!" I said.

He hummed softly but didn't pull away.

I unfolded his arms and pulled him away. I wasn't surprised to see tears falling down from his eyeslits.

"Don't be crybaby. Your 15 not 5." I wiped his tears.

He didn't reply.

"I will come on Eid and special occasions, I promise."

No reply.

"You can have my guitar and drum set."

No reply.

"Oh come on." My voice cracked. My lips wobbled, of course I was ready to cry a river now.

I hugged him back and cried hard.

"Please don't go."

"I have to go Fakhar. Don't you want your sister to be the most successful woman in our family?"

He pulled away and said.
"I do."

"Am I allowed to go then?"

He smiled widely and nodded.

"It means I can take your guitar and drum set?"
He asked excitedly.

"No." I fake a glare at which he laughed.

"Beta!" Uncle addressed me.


"Go bring your luggage, we are leaving in 20 minutes."
I went upstairs and took my luggage.

Where is Hashir?

Why you asked ?

You should at least say goodbye to him. He deserves a goodbye.

If he wanted to bid farewell to me. He could have come. That's why legs are for , to take you places you wanna go.

Always a stubborn you are. Can't you just listen me once. I'm your brain , I know better. Your dying to meet him.

Okay okay , I'll go. Just don't say 'I'm dying to meet him'.

I went near his room , the lights were on. He was engrossed in writing something.

Is that a diary ?

He felt my footsteps and looked up. I swear I saw a little smile on his lips but it faded away as it was not there in first place.

He hurriedly slammed his diary or whatever shut.

"Your here." He said as if it was something unbelievable.

It's his birthday.

No , I wouldn't tear up now.

"Yeah, I thought you were not going to say farewell. So I came to say goodbye."

His face fell.

"No it was not like that." He muttered.

Then he quickly recovered.

"So. You're going." He asked or said.


"This was the gift you prepared for my birthday?"
I quickly noticed his salty tone.

"I should leave now, Bye Hashir." I was about to leave his room. I remembered something and turned back.

"And yeah , Happy Birthday."
With that I left.

But I caught his words.

"My Birthday would be anything but happy from now on".

"So I heard your leaving. Is this true or the news channel's producer should be arrested?"

Danial appeared in front of me from nowhere. I thanked him for what he did or else I would have broken down.

My face broke into a smile.

"Oh man where were you !"

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