Chapter no. 7

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I couldn't hold it back. The news of my acceptance. So, at midnight, I had already called Tania.

"Are you okay? Are you kidnapped? Oh My God! ARE YOU—"

"Tania! Calm down. I'm fine." I told her, suppressing a giggle.

"Then why did you call me at midnight?" She asked, faking a yawn.

"I wanted to tell you something!"

"That you have a new crush on Waseem Badami. I knew it!"

I slapped my forehead.

"I don't have a crush on him. He inspires me and he's a very nice person but no I don't have crush on him. God! He has a son of eight!"

She chuckled.

"Then? What did you call about?"

"I'm going."




"To study! For five years. I'm so excited! I couldn't hold it for long. So, I spilled the beans to you!"

"And you'll be coming for holidays like Eid and someone's marriage?"

I thought for a second.

"Actually, No. Tania! I'm going there to be liberal. I can't have everyone standing at my back everytime. It is annoying. I want to experience life. I want to stay away from the people I know for awhile." I explained to her.

There was a long silence.


"Hareem. Do you remember, when you were so sick on Eid and you couldn't come?" She almost whispered.

"Yeah, I remember."

"I sent Dad to bring you home to celebrate Eid with you. I promised your dad that I'd take care of you."

I held the phone tight. I knew where she was going.

"I couldn't imagine my Eid without you." She said.

I shut my eyes tightly.

"Even though what we do on every Eid is watch TV and ruin our new clothes and eat noodles and lays. But still, this type of Eid is thousand times better than the Eid without you."

I sighed.

"I'll miss you, Hareem."

A lone tear escaped my eye.

"I'll miss you too." I declined the call.

I had never seen her being vulnerable in life. 


"I'm going Lahore." I announced.



"Without me?"

"For holidays?"

Everyone asked except Hashir. He stared at me as if he could see through me.

The intensity of his brown eyes scared me. I lowered my gaze to slice.

"I'm going to study medical for five years."

Everyone stared at me. 

"You're not going." He spoke.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because there is a medical college in Bahawalpur. You can study here. Why go Lahore?"

I chuckled in disbelief.

"It is not your decision to make! It is my decision to make." I told him.

"Hareem, Behave!" Mama interrupted.

"Why mama? Why he is deciding in my life! When Dad isn't also speaking a word. He is!"

Then I turned to dad, "Should I go?"

"I think she should go. It'd be a chance to experience things."

I slapped the table, "See! I don't care who wants me to stay but if dad is willing to send me there. I'm going!"

He left.

Hashir left.

I stared with shock at the route he went.

Actually, It was my turn to go!


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