Buffy - Chapter one

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 it was weird I hadn't been back to my hometown in almost 3 years, but the summer had come and andi offered to let me stay with her, I hoped off the train to take my mother was a bit too busy, she said it would be fine, i walked on to the platform to see Johna and andi, 

andi had grown out her hair it reacher her shoulders now still the dark brown it had always been but she just overall looked older, Johan hadn't really changed maybe better dressed but nothing huge, but Cyrus wasn't there it was true we had a falling out before I left but he was friends with andi and she must have dragged him here but it was just the to of them. 

"Buffy," andi waved jumping up and down scaring Johan as he jumped back, as I got over she pulled me into a hug. "I missed seeing you in like real person," 

"I missed you too, did Cyrus come with you,"I asked, her smile fell like something had happened I didn't know about, 

"no, he doesn't really talk to me anymore," she scratched her neck 

"he found new friends and left us behind," Johan informed me, 

"Oh, I hope this isn't about what I said to him,"I worried I didn't want to ruin their friendship with him, that wasn't fair, 

"I think it has more to do with thmm" Johan started but andi covered his mouth quickly 

"were not allowed to talk about it," she told me as we walked down the sunny streets back to andi's house, she lived with Bex and sometimes Bowey, her parents where know trying dating to be a real family, andi learned that these things took time, and she was okay with it. 

"so, are you guys," I asked, 

"the best of friends," Johan smiled, they tried to date it didn't work out, 

"yeah we've got another friend Chloe, shes at swimming right now but you would totally get on with her" andi walked up the stairs to her front door, "were the only ones home right now but we might as well drop your stuff off," andi shrugged leading us inside and up the stairs to her bedroom, she had recently moved into a bigger house it was so cute, 

"andi I'm raiding your fridge," Johan yelled from the first floor 

"is this new information" she yelled back pulling out her extra matures, "if I had remembered to clean up the extra room you could stay there but I didn't so for tonight, this should work," she laughed, gesturing to the extra room that had boxes from the move they never got around to unboxing, 

"this should be fine, we can do that tomorrow,"I smiled, putting my bags down on the mattresses when Johan rejoined us with a bowl of ice cream, 

"you forgot to clean up the guest room," he stated it wasn't a question he just kinda knew, 

"shut up, or ill make you sleep on the ground," andi fired at him throwing a small pink pillow at him witch he dodged with no effort like this was normal 

"I'm sleeping at my house dork," he rolled his eyes 

"whatever," andi walked over taking his spoon and take some of the ice cream, 

"so should we go, to the parlour," he asked as he grabs the spoon back and finished the last bites 

"what about the spoon," I asked, I was missing there tater tots like no tomorrow

"jock taratroy, but if you want, we can go," andi told me then looked at Johan,

"it should be fine, the jocks are on a weekend summer trip I believe," he told her 

"do you guys get bullied by them I will," I started you didn't mess with my friends and get away with it. 

"no its just, there's unspoken rules about something, you don't go to the spoon after a sports game if your not on the team or a cheerleader, if the basketball team comes into the spoon you leave or avoid eye contact,"  andi told me, she shrugged like it was no big deal,

the spoon was just how I left it, not like anything else in this town, but, it was still there. walking inside andi and Johan did a quick scan of the restaurant as to make sure they weren't breaking any rules. 

"why do you care so much," I asked

"this place was claimed by the jocks, the preps they have their stores the nerds have their stores, the odd ones out, like me and Johan, have are places, its best not to mess with the system." andi informed me, 

"your friends with a swimmer," I argued I could feel it was pointless but I never gave up a good fight 

"the swimmers have there owned the special place as they are not expected by the jocks," Johan informed me.

the day was nice, even if I felt like an outsider now a hopeless torisue in this town, where there were rules to where the high school students had maps of who could go where. but was made me feel worse was how Johan and andi had bonded without me so they were different, and somewhat left me out. 

chloe was sweet, she had moved into town a couple months after I had left so she had only heard stories about me 

"I hear you used to be on the basketball team," she asked andi and Johan were having some argument about ice cream favours, 

"yeah, I got suspend in my last weeks though," I looked away she was still interested in me after I tend to answer her questions with half answers 

"by TJ yeah, he's manutitve, I honestly don't know how he has a boyfriend," she laughed a little, TJ was gay, he was dating someone, they must be just as bad as him, 

"who is he dating," I ask maybe I knew them, maybe I could feel like less of a stranger to this town if I could remember people 

"don't really know his name, carter or something, he seems okay." she shrugged. I didn't know a carter if he when to school with me when I was in school here we never talked. 

had things changed that much, 

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